I'm making this post hoping to avoid confusion in the future. These rules are based on what's been done on previous runs so far and to keep the rules simple and fair as possible.
Conquest category: All settings (including animations, messages, end of turn wait, manual combat etc.) must be enabled! Spell of mastery category: All settings are optional! Difficulty must be set to impossible on both categories, but other new game options are up to player. Further details in category rules.
It's possible to consider adding subcategories, if someone wants to (for example) play spell of mastery category on manual combat. Any questions or suggestions are welcome.
I'm in agreement with the rules for Conquest and Spell of Mastery. It's easy enough to start recording in the options to show what is enabled, though I would not want that to be a requirement. We should have some trust amongst MoM players :)
I'm all for other categories too. You make it and I'll play it. If I had to pick one special category, I would do a highest score %.
Agreed, there's no need to have a requirement to show the settings, because it should be noticeable in the run. Maybe it would be a good practice to show the settings anyway for extra verification, but only after finishing a run to be submitted. I considered showing them in my run, but some reason didn't. It would be better to show these after the run so it's not necessary to go to the menus each time when starting a new run. Indeed, we should be trusting in speedrunning in general as there are very few people who'd cheat on purpose and it happens mostly in more popular games. Anyways, happy to see new activity here and hope we get more runners in the future.
As for score%. I think it would be an interesting idea as the game originally tracked how well you did with end score. Unfortunately, the format of the site does not accommodate such a category. It has been discussed here: https://www.speedrun.com/the_site/thread/1gbee/ If that's something you'd be interested in, you could for example post an end screen with a score in the forums. I can make it sticky and if others are interested they can reply with their own scores there.
Some possible categories I had in mind. Conquest with 4 wizards or glitchless spell of mastery with manual combat. I did a run of the latter category, but without manual combat. It's not very good or interesting as such so I didn't post it here. If there's a category not listed here, it's possible to consider having it included. It should be sufficiently interesting to others in the future. There's not much point in having several one run categories with so few players.
I added a new 4 wizard sub-category for Conquest, just in case it's something someone would be interested in running. This category makes most sense to me as it could be considered as 100% compared to previous Any%. Same rules apply: Difficulty must be impossible, all glitches are allowed, all settings (including manual combat) must be enabled and the timing ends at the beginning of animation for defeating the last wizard.