Ballon Battle%
3 years ago
Bretagne, France

I have a suggestion, why not split the different maps and make one as global (end doing all the maps) to allow everyone to run on the map they want and to also be able to see the records according to the maps

Bretagne, France

too, add "difficulty set"

Michigan, USA

I like that idea


Its not a bad idea ill do it

pakje-yoghurt likes this

here you go! I didn't do by difficulty because I don't know what difficulty people played when they submitted their run. But I added by maps. You should see it under the Balloon% Category. Enjoy!

pakje-yoghurt likes this

Thanks chwarles :D

Chwarles likes this
Bretagne, France

the difficulty change the longnof the run we have 4 ballon (5 with the start) in easy the CPU have use 1/2 ballon in normal CPU have use 2/3 ballon in Hard CPU use all ballons (not in specific case) we would say at first sight that it doesn't change much, but anyway, since it will waste more time, we don't have to put it in a separate category, but allowing it to be specified would be a good idea I think


I can add difficulty option but I can't know the difficulty played on the runs that only have an image at the end. Anyways It's added! have fun!

Bretagne, France

oK(that not important but that make an difference in speedrun ^^)

Chwarles likes this

Can there be a "All Maps" sub-category for this? Could be timed RTA.

Jelceus likes this
Bretagne, France

good idea ^^


Alrighty, done! All Stages section can be found under Balloon Battle%

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Hello karters, Pika here.

First of all I have reworded some of the Rules: some of them had typos and some of them were not clear enough, so I simply updated them for more clarity. Along with that, I have also made a thread where you can find out the sources of each player without a

2 years ago