1 year ago
United States

So the forums are not spammed with countless idea threads, please respond to this post with any category ideas you may have.

For your convenience, ideas that have been accepted or rejected will be added to this post.

Accepted Categories Fresh Account Boss Completion (Bloonarius, Lych, Vortex, Dreadbloon), Max Paragon, $1,000,000 cash

Rejected Categories "Get to round (x)",

*Implementation Pending

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Da_BLT_in_LGBT likes this
United States
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Heroic % - get a hero to level 20 as fast as possible without using monkey money or powers.

TSG% - speedrun getting a true sun god.

Max paragon %- a subset of the other threads mentioning speedrunning a paragon. The twist is that it must be a max level (level 100) paragon in order to count.

Funny number % - speedrun to round 420.

BigManLOL and Dinoboy676 like this
United Kingdom
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Thanks for your input @Da_BLT_in_LGBT. I will see what the other mods think of your ideas, but I will say the category idea about round 420 probably won’t happen. In my opinion, it’s not good for the game if we introduce categories that rely so heavily on hardware, since times will vary by minutes or even hours if they are played on different devices, even with the same strategies.

Da_BLT_in_LGBT likes this

Well i have pretty boring ideas: Apopalypse%: Complete it asap If not the winning screen, i would also add Apopalypse100 (just get to round 100) Double Cash%: just beat the mode fast Tier5% (my one is different from InOrder) - get any cheap tier 5 on the map asap (probably Ultra Juggernaut or Monkeyopolis)

Dinoboy676 likes this
New York, USA

Millionaire%: get to 1 million cash as fast as possible

Co-op%: beat any map with a second/third/fourth player

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Dinoboy676 likes this

Maybe the biker bones race quest as that does not have a race leaderboard?

XD_Carson457 likes this
United Kingdom
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

@Botman836 this was suggested in the discord a couple of days ago. We decided that this will not be included in the category extension leaderboards because it is likely that quests will rotate from time to time. However, we might add the beast handler quest since that will probably be permanent.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Player3 (Not Main Category) Be Player 3 In A Multiplayer as fast as possible


I dont think that Player3% can be a category

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Dinoboy676 likes this

All Paragon% Need to get all paragons as fast as possible. When a new paragon gets added, the first run with all paragons with beat previous record, as it consists of new paragons. Similar to Min Caps in Mario Odyssey.

Edit: Instead of just all paragons, maybe they all need to be degree 76 or higher so that its not just about fast farming but has strat in which ones first for pop count and stuff.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

co op (maybe 100k or something idk just something that is limited to doing in co op) all paragons could be cool maybe 10k is basic but think of how optimizable it could get.. reach lvl 20 with a hero get all t5s Die ingame beat a game vfrom every map type (begginer, intermidate ect..) place all towers, sand box place and sell all towers, sand box get a (Single) tier 5

Dinoboy676, Coins31415 and 2 others like this
Washington, USA

A category for every single non-event quest.

@SummerPi314159 has said that most quests may not be added because they might be temporary, but I don’t think that’s the case, as most of them seem to be tutorials for new players, and it would be weird for ninja kiwi to remove them. Maybe adding quests that have survived 2 updates is a good safeguard.

Dinoboy676 likes this
United States

I have quite a few ideas for some runs. I am open to any changes of the mechanics or the names if any mods think certain changes would benefit the playability of the run

Chimps Expert%: Beat all expert maps on the CHIMPS difficulty Any%: Unlock all of the towers from a new save Solo%: Beat a map with one single tower on hard mode Ouch%: Beat easy, medium, hard, impoppable, and CHIMPS on ouch Heroless: An additional option to any speedrun where you complete the run without a hero Looped In: Beat the map In The Loop on CHIMPS by only placing towers in the loops, no towers like the Heli Pilot or Ace that fly outside of the loop are allowed Monkeyless: Beat any map on hard without any monkeys. Only Bomb Shooter, Tack Shooter, Banana Farm, Spike Factory, Village. Deadly Puddles: Black Border both Bloody Puddles and Muddy Puddles Achievement%: Get X amount of achievements on a new profile (There can be multiple categories for different amounts of achievements) Tower%: Place every tower in one game

Once again, I am open any changes that will benefit the playability of the run and I know that many of these will not be added.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Texas, USA

abr CHIMPS % - uses a mod to make a regular CHIMPS game into an abr game (timer ends when game ends)


all pargaons?

KalvinPP104 likes this
United Kingdom
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

The problem with all paragons is that it changes every update, we will definitely add that eventually (once all paragons have been released but that will be at least another year). In the meantime, we might add a ‘multiple paragons’ category that has subcategories for different numbers of paragons.


yeah That could be cool

United States
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

"Silver Border%" or "Bronze Border%"? since Update 38 added new borders, I think it could be interesting

heheheha123 and KalvinPP104 like this
Pays de la Loire, France

TrueSunGod% ?

BigManLOL likes this
Texas, USA

lvl 20 hero% ?

KalvinPP104 and BigManLOL like this
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Two New Categories

Hey all, just a quick one today: We are introducing two new categories - All Four and All Five. These categories involve playing the main modes back-to-back on the same map, meaning that there is more consistency involved than in individual level runs.

All Four involves playing Easy, Medium, Ha

1 year ago
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