Autosplitter not working in 1.584
6 years ago
Colorado, USA

Getting Over It just updated to version 1.584 and ever since this happened, the autosplitter hasn't worked. It worked before and now it doesn't. Is there an updated autosplitter or is there something I can do to fix this?

New South Wales, Australia

Link a video of what you do to set it up

Colorado, USA

I don't think the setup is the issue. The version for the autosplitter doesn't match up with the version of the game, and the autosplitter worked before the update. I just can't find one that works.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

download link pinned in the discords

how do u get in the discord?


Yes, the current autosplitter is for the old version. I'm not sure when the auto-downloaded one will get updated as Tairoon is in charge of that, but it shouldn't take too long.

In the meantime there is a version that works in the discord that you can get to via the link on the left side of this web page.


You can download the updated version through livesplit as well now.

Colorado, USA

Great! I got it working again with the new version.

Lorraine, France

reviving this due to discord link being broken currently ( invite is apparently invalid, whatever that means... )


I updated the link, it shouldn't ever expire. With regards to the autosplitter, the download through livesplit has been updated for 1.584 and should work. Not sure if you have issues with the autosplitter, but feel free to describe your issues, either here or in the discord.

Lorraine, France

got it to work with the current version, but it seems to be missing a ton of splits ( as in, inconsistency in actually detecting... stuff i guess ? im not a code guy so i dont know where exactly it messes up ). anyone else having that problem ?

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