First off I want to say how awesome it is to see new runners on the board, lets keep those times coming!
Secondly I wanted to make a small, but significant change to the rules on how it is timed. The rules state to have the timer start upon choosing the category. I looked over several speedrunning boards for various fighting games and noticed most timers start after they choose their fighters. I feel this could be a positive change for it would encourage people exploring other fighters without the fear of time loss.
I want to be as fair as possible to all runners so if you would like me to go over your run and reduce your times based on the new rules I will do so. I only ask if you could reply in this thread post, or send me a message through the platforms I have posted on my page giving me permission to do so.
Also if you would have any suggestions on future boards for this game I would like to get your input on that. I plan on adding new categories based on the default settings for the game for each category including traditional 3 round rules for single match.
uw99er I find it very valid or time this way It starts after choosing the fighter
About new category
Maybe the level very hard would be interesting
@uw99er Another thing
You as a supermodel can change user times based on the new rule.
Detail I just beat the ratio mode time again based on this new rule
Very hard sounds like a great category, I will add it alongside the default category when I get a chance to set it up. Thanks for the input, and congrats on the new PB / WR
It would indeed be more fair to those who'd like to use characters other than shotos. So yeah, sure! Go ahead with that change!
So I've implemented the new sub categories based on the difficulty. I would of like to have the game setting rules mentioned above the game mode rules, but I would of have to turn the game mode into the sub category and I don't know what the outcome would of been. I wanted to preserve the runs you guys have submitted so that was the safest way of doing so.
The oddball of the difficulty sub category would be hard, I had suggested 6 stars being the best for that. If you guys feel differently about that please let me know. I felt that 3 being the Normal (default) and 8 being the max (very hard) that 6 would be a good setting for hard.
I also mentioned in those new sub categories to have your game options screen presented in your submissions, I know it's been a common practice for some already. That'll make it a lot easier for accepting runs.
If you spot any mistakes in the rules or have a suggestion regarding changes to these rules please let me know.
Thank you all and keep those times coming, I look forward to seeing some new runs and hopefully some new runners.
Yeah, I think we can work that in as a category. I'll set something up when I get a chance later on in the weekend.
So I'm thinking of trying my hand at the run in normal using the default grove options, round limits and the like. So sorta stupid question here but is there any reason other than leaderboard clutter and that no one has really submitted something like that for why there's not a default stop category like this? !, I'm assuming there's also nothing as far as having to do all the fights)
Hi Mageius
When I became a moderator for the boards essentially there was 1 board for each category which was Any% (free options). Normal is the board you want so submit to with the default settings and such, I made up those sub categories to spark interest more so. Since then at least for me my PS3 has been acting up so I really haven't been able to attempt runs for it, I can't speak for others though.
Hope that clears things up, and good luck!
thanks for the info, so stupid question here I have the GCN version of the game (like anyone else that's a fighting game player) I most likely won't use it but is the broken GC-style of controls allowed?
You know the "beginner" control set that's really simple and kinda broken for a speedrun since you don't have to use command inputs and the like that's completely unfair because of how fast you can enter things in. (edit: fixed a type)
That is something that hasn't come about yet, but does need to be addressed.
Potentially I could make a misc category for use of the GC-ism and EO-ism which may spark some interest. I'll mention in the category rules moving forward that all runs on the EO version of the game must be set to AC-ism which is the standard controls.
Thank you for the heads up!
No problem. I mean the GC-STYLE having access to using the C stick alone as a macro for all the command inputs feels a little too..........., not to mention the fact that all the face buttons basically are sorta macros for Roll, counter and other things.