setting up Livesplit
2 years ago
Nottinghamshire, England

Hey guys, quick question for the timing,

anyone know how to setup livesplits for this, it recognises the game but doesnt have an autospitter available, curious as to how you are timing this game as i want to do a full game time. i downloaded the game from uses FS-UAE emulator.

Thanks for any help.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

Hello Igeek886 You can splits the real time as you like, at any point: one mission or each phase separately. Probably, each segment in the Livesplit will have to be prescribed manually. Since the emulation of the data loading speed from a virtual floppy disk can vary, we agreed to be guided by the time spent directly behind the gameplay - without waiting screens and briefing. If there is more than one "phase" in the run, the final result is calculated by summing the "fragments" in accordance with the rules of the category: from the first frame with the cursor appearing to the first frame of the "Mission completed" message. Examples of the range that is taken into account when calculating the total are indicated in the description of the recent few runs. Any free video editor will do for counting frames (I use VSDC). I do not understand Amiga emulators, but after reading the forums, I did not see bad words about FS-UAE.

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