Join the Discord and Free Rice groups!
7 years ago
Texas, USA

Discord: (General discussions - you don't have to run this game to join!)

Free Rice: (Total rice accumulator for our runs -- we don't use this much)

Free Rice Beta Group Code: SSE4WDX3

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Kansas, USA

I joined! This is such a fantastic idea :)

  • Jaychalke
Texas, USA

Thanks! I'm glad you are getting these runs going. I hope some competition comes in soon :D


Jaychalke, could you please join the freerice discord? I would like to coordinate these runs as we submit them one by one, so they can be submitted in the order that they were done, the same way that it would normally be when verifying runs.

Just saying this because I have a bunch of runs stored up since the 17th, which I haven't submitted yet because of this whole spanning out runs thing. I just want to make things more organised so one person doesn't claim they have the record when someone else has it, they just haven't submitted it yet. Runs don't have to be rejected either.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Jaychalke likes this
Kansas, USA

Bumping this post! New runners join the Speedrunning free rice group link above! Also be sure you have the group selected (clicking play) so that rice gains are recorded for our group so we can keep track as a community. Glad to have you all here with us supporting a great cause while having fun! :)


Edited by the author 7 years ago
Oxknifer likes this
United States

What happened to Oxknifer zir0nic? Was he a moderator?

Texas, USA

I started the leaderboard and was the primary mod for a couple years in a row. I decided to shift off for now and let zir0nic have a go at running the community post freerice beta :)) I'm still around though, feel free to send me a message if you got questions :D

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Pear, DaTroll18 and 2 others like this