Gibby fight
5 years ago
Georgia, USA

Hiya, I'd like to know if anyone has a semi consistent strategy for fighting Gibby. I know a basic one, but it's kinda inconsistent h

Georgia, USA

The thing with Gibby, like every boss, is that you can literally just get hit really hard. The semi consistent one is the current turns for the fight which I think is like:

    ◦ Turn 1: Wayne cast Mystic Meat / Somsnosa cast Bubbles on Gibby / Dedusmuln cast Panorama / Pongorma cast Partial Destruct on Gibby

    ◦ Turn 2: Wayne cast Space Shurikens on left Vital Statue / Somsnosa cast Space Shurikens on left Vital Statue / Dedusmuln cast Space Shurikens on left Vital Statue / Pongorma use hot dog

    ◦ Turn 3: Wayne cast Space Shurikens on left Vital Statue / Somsnosa cast Space Shurikens on left Vital Statue / Dedusmuln cast Space Shurikens on left Vital Statue / Pongorma cast Partial Destruct on Gibby

    ◦ Turn 4: Wayne cast Mystic Meat / Somsnosa cast Space Shurikens on right Vital Statue / Dedusmuln attack right Vital Statue / Pongorma use hot dog

    ◦ Turn 5: Wayne use juice pack / Somsnosa attack right Vital Statue / Dedusmuln attack right Vital Statue / Pongorma use hot dog

    ◦ Turn 6: Wayne cast Space Shurikens on right Vital Statue / Somsnosa cast Space Shurikens on right Vital Statue / Dedusmuln cast Space Shurikens on right Vital Statue / Pongorma use hot dog

    ◦ Turn 7 : Wayne cast Space Shurikens, attack with rest

However, if you're fine on HP or feel like risking, you can cast Partial Destruct on Gibby after the Juice Pack.


I've got what I believe is a fast, consistent Gibby strat. It ultimately saves a turn (taking 6 turns instead of 7), but requires you to wait until you have gotten Somsnosa and Dedusmuln to learn Mystic Meat (after the second deathwarp when you teleport to the computer zone). Video:

Turn 1: Wayne uses Bubbles on Gibby Somsnosa uses Bubbles on Rightmost Statue Dedusmuln uses Mystic Meat Pongorma uses Partial Destruct on Gibby

Turn 2: Wayne uses Space Shurikens on Leftmost Statue Somsnosa uses Space Shurikens on Leftmost Statue Dedusmuln uses Space Shurikens on Leftmost Statue Pongorma uses Hot Dog

Turn 3: Wayne uses Space Shurikens on Leftmost Statue Somsnosa uses Space Shurikens on Leftmost Statue Dedusmuln uses Space Shurikens on Leftmost Statue Pongorma uses Hot Dog

Turn 4: Wayne uses Mystic Meat Somsnosa uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Dedusmuln uses Juice Pack Pongorma uses Hot Dog

Turn 5: Wayne uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Somsnosa uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Dedusmuln uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Pongorma uses Hot Dog

Turn 6: Wayne uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Somsnosa uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Dedusmuln uses Space Shurikens on Gibby Pongorma passes the turn

(When Gibby dies, the Space Shurikens will auto-target the Statue and kill it, so you don't have to manually target it. Using Bubbles on the rightmost Statue on turn 1 means that it's low enough to die to Space Shurikens on the same turn Gibby dies.)

You always kill the leftmost Statue first as I believe it will always use Mystic Meat on turn 4, meaning you'd have to waste a turn Bubbling Gibby and the Statue again.

You kill Gibby next as, one, you save time since you don't have to change the target as you would if you were attacking the rightmost Statue if Gibby was still alive, and two, he is a much bigger threat. The rightmost Statue has three sub-par moves: Bubbles (Does nothing since you keep Mystic Meat up), Ancient Odour (Since you have Mystic Meat up, it just does 2 damage to your party), and Doom Spiral (does 10 damage to your party.)

This strategy only works if you've swapped around your party's weapons before the fight. Bestial Axe brings the wielder up to 45 Attack, while Simmery Axe, Magic Gauntlets and Joyous (Pongorma's sword) bring the wielder up to 65. Since Pongorma only deals percent-based damage with Partial Destruct, when you get to Gibby, make sure that he has the Bestial Axe (or, if you want to optimise it even further, leave him with the Dirk he had equipped for the Clawman fight, since on a good Gibby split he'll have no reason to attack,) and that Wayne and Dedusmuln have Simmery Axe/Joyous. Each Space Shurikens should always be doing 130 damage in the Gibby fight.

[A strategy to test is having Dedusmuln use Panorama, as Gibby is not immune to confusion, and with the leftmost Statue always being dead by turn 3, his party can't use Mystic Meat. Confusion lasts between 2 and 4 turns, but it only has a 50% chance of working on Gibby. It's risky, but could potentially save a turn and mean Pongorma can Partial Destruct twice/attack for small amounts of damage instead of healing.]

[Also note that Gibby has 2500 HP, and each Statue has 500 HP, so someone that didn't fail A-Level maths might be able to calculate a more optimised strategy.]

(Correct me if I'm wrong about any of this information- there might be some nuances to the RPG maker system that I glanced over.)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
stoic_rose likes this
Georgia, USA

Wowwies! Thank you, Burmy!!! I will definitely put this to use, in my pb I think I spent 13 minutes and 3 retries on Gibby lol


No prob

Another thing I forgot to mention that I'll edit the post with: this strategy only works if you've swapped around your party's weapons before the fight. Bestial Axe brings the wielder up to 45 Attack, while Simmery Axe, Magic Gauntlets and Joyous (Pongorma's sword) bring the wielder up to 65. Since Pongorma only deals percent-based damage with Partial Destruct, when you get to Gibby, make sure that he has the Bestial Axe (or, if you want to optimise it even further, leave him with the Dirk he had equipped for the Clawman fight, since on a good Gibby split he'll have no reason to attack,) and that Wayne and Dedusmuln have Simmery Axe/Joyous. Each Space Shurikens should always be doing 130 damage in the Gibby fight.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
stoic_rose likes this

Thanks for the strats BurmySlap. I see you've created a guide for the boss fights, which is great. I was fortunate enough to watch your last couple of WR vods while learning the route, and I can confirm that these strats are quite consistent, and very quick to pick up!

stoic_rose likes this
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