Requesting a do-over of the vote to separate console and PC
4 years ago
New York, USA

Given that multiple people were alienated from the vote for no reason other than refusal to reach out to those not in the discord, as well as the alienation of a specific user for absolutely no reason, along with allowing another user to vote when they should not have been allowed to do, I believe that the vote hosted is incredibly inaccurate and not representative of a consensus amongst the community. Further details can be discussed if necessary.

Raleigh, NC, USA

Nah bro, if you look at the results, if everyone who could vote had voted, the result would’ve still been the same.

AnAnonymousSource, eroadhouse and 3 others like this

An official vote was conducted in the LEGO Speedrunning Discord where said community resides and discussion of this game is predominantly featured in. 19/29 voted (14 for No Seperation, 4 for Separation, 1 No Opinion). If the remaining 10 people voted it's clear the result would end up with the same unanimous conclusion. Like most games, the community resides off src (for obvious reasons, i.e it's lack of communication features and organization) and if you remained part of the community, or at least in the Discord, you would know the answers to the many inquiries you bring up and assumptions made. The results speak for themselves is all I can say.

maniac_, Prnced and 7 others like this
New York, USA

Luckily, I don't need to remain in the discord, as its my own right to not join. You didn't post the vote on the forums here whatsoever, and refused to reach out to anyone who ran the game that wasn't in the discord. It doesn't matter if the vote would be the same either way, you need to include everyone in the vote. Also, it wouldn't have necessarily been the same. We did the math ourselves.

Île-de-France, France

It's like when you're voting for the president, there's an official announcement but they don't knock at every people door to tell them when and where the vote is and if someone didn't vote, too bad for him but it's ended.

__LoS_ and gayannabeth like this
New York, USA

that doesnt apply to this leaderboard. I will not be responding further.

Washington, USA

Look, even though you say you did the math yourselves, the vote was 14-4, and we know that some of the people who didn't vote would have voted to not separate the boards as well. Stop trying to continuously fight this

AnAnonymousSource and Zacc like this
Raleigh, NC, USA

This would be like complaining a vote needs to be redone because even though you lost by 2 million votes there were 14 people who weren’t included

New York, USA

I think its a good idea

Raleigh, NC, USA

Okay thank you for your input NuttPack from Alabama who has no links or runs and signed up 8 minutes ago to src

FlamingLazer, AnAnonymousSource and 6 others like this
Washington, USA

By the looks of NuttPack's profile and timely response to this forum, it appears to be an alt account, which is against SRC rules. Not a good look.

FlamingLazer, DaHamster and 4 others like this
Cedar Park, TX, USA

@Fatt i just wanna say that lavas vote doesnt mean shit when u look at the big picture, its a 14-4 vote and your excuse is only making this situation worse on the community but more specifically on yourself : )

Edited by the author 4 years ago
maniac_, __LoS_ and 2 others like this

@Fatt If the math of your sheet was correct, the results would have reflected that. According to your sheet of the votes, you included people who stated "I don't care" in the "For Seperation of the boards" part of your list and it is inherently flawed because it disallows them to vote for themselves and takes their short answer and uses it to support your views. I am friends with one of the members you contacted and they expressed to me they didn't even know they were being used as leverage for such a situation.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
maniac_, Prnced and 6 others like this