Merchantless Category?
3 years ago
United States

I was wondering if there was going to be a Merchantless Category, especially for like Hardcore or something. Was Also wondering that If there was going to be a category for it if players are able to sell weapons at the merchant at all or not? RE Village Doesn't allow you to discard weapons out of your inventory. Only way to is to sell them at the Merchant. So Example: You grab the Regular Shotgun at the beginning of the game and the Sniper later on. You come across the Tac Shotgun, Magnum, or M1911 Pistol, you can't grab them because you have no inventory space, as well as not being able to drop weapons to grab new weapons. So would you be allowed to sell weapons just so you can pick up weapons later, or just have Merchant interactions completely banned(besides like an accidental interaction with him where you don't trade anything)?


It could be a good idea for Casual. I'm not sure about Hardcore (or even VoS for the masochist) since you really need mine recipe, magnum + capacity, space (you run out of space at Lady D), upgrade sniper otherwise it would be painful.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

I've been runnin Hardcore Merchantless No Death Runs, and its not too bad even without selling any weapons. Merchantless VoS I'd Say 100% allow weapon selling lmao But Merchantless Hardcore Def Isn't too bad at all, just takes some really good routing and planning

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Really wish you could discard guns and such. Being forced to keep the lemi is quite annoying. Adds some fun yet frustrating inventory management.

Been running no merchant hand gun(lemi m19) only just to avoid the annoyance.

Was going lemi sniper and wolfsbane. Need to do some checking for magnum rounds since i only use 6. I know theres more.

Either way fun but doesnt have the same impact as re4 no merchant without the option to use rockets in general.

FI3RY likes this

Merchantless? Just run NG+ Kappa

Vienna, Austria

I would like to see a New Game, No Duke Category for all Difficultys (VoS) Included. If you have a good route to run, inventory isnt that much of a problem anymore. Not being able to craft other than heal or HG ammo is a pain in the ass, but still makes this category even at VoS more than doable. Selling to Duke is also not needed (even at VoS). The weapons the game gives you and the amount of mines/bombs u can collect is more than enough to beat the game without talking once to duke. (Besides cutscenes of course xD)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
FI3RY likes this

NG+ would be the same as NG. Except youd farm drops i guess? Weird.

United States

Well I got to Miranda without dying on (NG Hardcore) Merchantless yesterday, its a really fun and neat run. So its def doable without NG+. I think itd be really neat to have a NG Merchantless Category just like RE4 did especially since that was a pretty cool and unique category.

Texas, USA

I think no merchant would be a great NG category!

FI3RY and FreggelHousen like this
Vienna, Austria

I try and ask this question here first: Would anybody like to have an own category channel on the discord, for posting strats, runs, discuss,.. etc. for no merchant? Like the ones with mercenaries?

FI3RY likes this
United States

I would love It! I actually just finished a NG Hardcore No Merchant No Death Challenge Run As Well, and Would love to start routing it more for speedruns! Here Is My Run of it and Some Solid Strats I did For it(some slow cuz it was challenge run but first 70% of the game was decently fast)

Vienna, Austria I could cry. So damn close too sub 2:30 :( This is really a fun category, and i cant wait to see a leaderboard

FI3RY likes this
United States

Yeah most of my runs landed around 2:45, but cuz i was doin the challenge run aspect of it i did alot of safe starts that took the time down hella hard, i'll probably be back at it again this week. Do you skip the first shotty in your run? Thats what seemed to work better for me, but I've also been wanting to test skipping shotties or Snipe for GL or Magnum(although i dont know if either would be worth due to not bein able to make ammo for them)

Edited by the author 3 years ago

If you are playing on casual. My no merchant runs were a lot longer compared to my no merchant handgun only runs.

Of course if you are running higher difficulties this is a different story.

However in casual using handgun for majority of the run and throwing in some weapons that make certain areas faster may be a better bet.

FI3RY likes this
Vienna, Austria

I skiped the first sg to get the better one after dollhouse, and u need that. Otherwise u'll spent 30-40 minutes at moreau. And as u say, there is not enough ammo for either mag or gl to make them worth taking instead of the sg. I'm gonna upload a new vid once i made it sub 2:30. had another try yesterday with 2:30:20 :( I cant speak for cas, but at VoS u have to stick to first hg, 2nd sg and the sniper. otherwise u'll either lose too much time, or maybe softlock.

FI3RY likes this
Vienna, Austria

I uploaded a video, where i am talking about my latest run and the strats for this category i am using. I hope that this might encourage some ppl to also run this category cause it's really fun (at least to me) I apologize for my english, i am not used to talk in english, but i did my best to make it understandable. Maybe we get an own channel on the discord for No Duke, where we can freely discus some strats and post some stuff, but for now I hope this can make the start.

FI3RY likes this
United States

I'll def check it out cuz i have been pretty interested in running VoS No Duke as well, just started with Hardcore for a solid challenge but to have somethin not be that crazy lmaoo, and yeah hopefully a discord channel would come cuz thatd help alot. I am about to start workin on Hardcore and Vos Runs now though since i'm done with my break so im pretty stoked

Edited by the author 3 years ago

The mods are so overloaded with a backlog of runs that they would not have time to check any runs in other categories. You should try volunteering to help them with the workload so that maybe they can bring in other categories.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
FI3RY likes this
United States

I knew they talked about adding it and saw it wasn't added still so i didn't bother attempting a run lmao, so ill def hit em up to try and get these goin

FreggelHousen likes this
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