Add a Sorting Tool For length of run by WR, type of game, etc
3 years ago
United States

Would be nice if the website had a way to sort games by console AND by other things like:

Length of run (based on WR time) Type of run (platformer, sport, horror, rpg, etc) Number of total submissions

JkLoser likes this
Västra Götaland, Sweden

Yeaaaah!!! That is a great idea. I totaly think this should be a thing!

KLM1187 likes this

[quote]Length of run (based on WR time)[/quote]

I understand what you want here, but it will be near impossible to implement. Many games have several categories of different lengths. Which category will you take the base WR from?

Let say that a game has "Any%", "Any% glitchless" and "100%" categories, with wr times of 3, 30, and 120 minutes, respectively. You could take the fastest WR time of 3 minutes, but it's hardly saying anything over the actual length of the game.

And you certainly cannot compare it to a game that actually takes 3 minutes to complete, like a short 2d-platform web game.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64, Tutterey and 5 others like this

Yeah length sounds good on paper but in practice it doesn't actually make any sense. Just for a real example of what @Oreo321 described, this game has categories ranging everywhere from 2.5 minutes to 16 hours (and that's not even including ILs).

Genre is also kinda nebulous, both because genre definitions themselves tend to be kinda vague/meaningless, but also, should a game with a 2 minute racing mini-game in it be categorized as a racing game? I don't know! Neither will any game moderators setting their game's genres. This isn't to say it wouldn't be a useful sorting criteria, I just don't think it's as useful as people might think it is.

Number of total submissions is already a thing, "Sort by most runs". The actual values used for this are super bugged because the site has some major back-end stats issues, but the concept is there.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Pear, Tutterey and 3 others like this
Minnesota, USA

Total playtime and recently active playtime would be cool additions, i.e. combined time of all submissions and combined time of submissions in the past month, as a summary of how many hours have been put in or are being putting in to any game by its community.

O.D.W. likes this
United States

Yeah I understand games have multiple categories. Usually there is a "Main" category or first one listed when you pull up a game. It could pull just from there anyways just as another way to sort and check for potential games to run when looking for under a specific length.

As far as Genre sorting, the site could implement some sort of tagging to each game where multiple tags could be added by mods for sorting and searching purposes. Games could be both "platformer" and "shooter" tags for instance.

Just some thoughts thats all


Game moderators CAN put some tags on their games (like developer, publisher, genre). On the old games list page, you could even games filter by those tags. But right now, they are pretty useless and you can't do anything with them.

The problems:

  • The old games list was super slow, so it was revamped to what it is today, but the ability to filter by tags was removed.
  • The tags were a free-text submission, not something from a dropdown list. For example, that made things like "Bethesda" and "Bethesda Game Studios" to be different publisher values.
Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64 and Pear like this

@Oreo321 As I mentioned a few months ago when the topic of tags came up, a way to avoid the duplicate tag issue would be to have a set list of tags to choose from, with new tags subject to approval.

I don't know how difficult that would be to implement here, but the site I alluded to has over 17 thousand entries, so it's not too much smaller than the games list here.

United States

Right yeah like have a list of tags to choose from, not just a free text to put whatever, kind of how twitch has tags for streams now for different things. Really high level and basic is what I was going for.

So like if I was looking for a SNES "platformer" speedrun I could sort by console and the tag "platformer" and see whats out there


@hahhah42 Of course. But when this topic came up in the past several times, the site mods said that the games list need a complete overhaul; and it never had top priority.

There is also an issue about what to do with the old tags system. If a new set list of genre tags is proposed, should the old freetext tags be deleted, and then game moderators would have to choose new tags from the new list? And if current tags are made into a list, how would "duplicate tags" be resolved? (I don't remember exact details, but I did saw a lot of duplicate genre tags in the past)

Also, as for pre-made list of tags, I feel like it would only be relevant for game genres. You can't really make up a pre-made list of publishers and developers, because there are just too many of them; plus someone would have to manage this list and add new value to it all the time. (Not that publishers/developers tags were proposed in this thread)

Gaming_64 and Pear like this

@Oreo321 [quote]There is also an issue about what to do with the old tags system. If a new set list of genre tags is proposed, should the old freetext tags be deleted, and then game moderators would have to choose new tags from the new list?[/quote] That seems like it'd be the simplest way to implement it, and it'd just be a one-time hassle for moderators of leaderboards that were already tagged.

[quote]And if current tags are made into a list, how would "duplicate tags" be resolved?[/quote] Make an executive decision and let people adjust. In the site I was referring to, contentious/common duplicate tags bring up a note specifically directing the uploader to the approved tag, but I wouldn't expect that here.

[quote]You can't really make up a pre-made list of publishers and developers, because there are just too many of them; plus someone would have to manage this list and add new value to it all the time.[/quote] Bear in mind, a tag should only be approved if it applies to some minimum number of games—there's no need for a publisher with just 2-3 games to get a tag. The other site I'm modeling this off of is an anime/manga torrent tracker—its tags include author/director, publishing/production company, magazines (for manga), scanlation/fansub groups, as well as genres, themes, content, etc. There are currently 4027 tags in its list, and its staff is no bigger than this site's (and mostly unpaid).

It could be done, is all I'm saying. Though obviously, tagging is much more of a priority for that sort of site than here.

(And as long as we're wishing for things that'll never happen, if they wanted to alleviate the workload this would produce they could recruit volunteer "tag moderators" from those select, well-known users allowed to submit prereleases, whose only authority would be to make those executive decisions and decide which tags to approve.)

Pear and Merl_ like this