Can we have a new category
Mods can you add a ne category with mixer cheese and yin and yang please?
AstroPug and i_like_spagett like this
We dont add blender mode runs as this will turn the leaderboard into a mess with a million different categories
then how about making mixed mode with only TWO modes together there a few combinations?
THEGAMINGPITCHFORK and AstroPug like this
New Category Extensions Ready
New Category Extensions are finally ready!
We currently have All Modes Speedruns, Level Editor Any%, and Combined Speedruns ready, as well as a full set of categories for Yarmiplay’s Chess Mode, which you can find in the mod loader.
Make sure to thoroughly read all of the rules for the new Cate
Recent runs
Level: Chess Mode (Modded)
Level: Chess Mode (Modded)
Level: Chess Mode (Modded)
Level: Chess Mode (Modded)