Starting to Run & a few finds
8 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I am going to start running this (or at least keep skip finding).

You don't need to make the grappling hook in the 2nd level. You can climb the cliff and will be automatically be given it at the start of 3rd level.

The Sticky Bomb is BROKEN. You can plant one under a crate, jump on the grate and get launched. I have skipped at least one section using this but this will let you skip many many more. I will be doing some experiments with this.

Lastly when approaching someone from behind, if you don't stealth and instead jump, you can jump on their back and don't lose time moving in stealth.

Queensland, Australia

I did a few videos last night. These are pretty slow in video but should be quick with a bit of practice.

Llyfr likes this

Does anyone know what happened here?


Hold jump when attempting to get stuck between the statue and the wall and proceed as shown


Mmmm.. Here's the latest addition to the madness.


Self explanatory title.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Don't know if this is faster than the any% route.


Figuring this segment out made me want to murder baby animals.


Not RTA viable, not even fast at all. Get cucked by the lack of checkpoints.

California, USA

How does Lily get past this? Does she warp or do you just not need her? Side note is there any RNG to the blasts or will it always go the same place if you place it correctly?

Pirkanmaa, Finland

You can trigger a checkpoint when you go OoB, and then you can load the checkpoint you just triggered, and Lily will warp with you.

United States

Going to responded in this thread with a new skip I found. This is way faster then the old method. The Decoy Toy can be found and built in Chapter 4.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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