Hello, me and AstralSpiff have been testing out an idea I had for the one puzzle where the cubes you insert are in random spots (puzzle to unlock red hand) and finally AstralSpiff discovered that it is possible to get perfect RNG to be able to reach all of the cubes from the top, not requiring you to drop down at all, saving a good amount of time. I am very sorry.
Spiff says there were 2 cubes that spawned up on the right of the room, all reachable, and one on the left of the room, on the bottom of the shelf closest the the openable door, also reachable.
It is really rare, like 1/100 rare, I don't see it being used in any runs but it is faster.
I once had a run that had all of the cubes on the left side of the room, that's perfect rng to .e
After working on the leaderboard for this past week we are proud to announce that the leaderboards for chapter 3 speedruns are finally here!
I wanna thank everyone for helping out during this turbulent week and being patient while we worked on setting up the leaderboards.