Fastest Version (Playstation)
6 years ago
Virginia, USA

I'm comparing the different versions of Pandemonium for load times because, frankly, I think the PS2 FDS ban is stupid, or at least the given reasoning is.

One thing I've noticed is the first loading screen is almost always consistently within the same range, so a good timing measure is to use that.

I have played on just about every NTSC Playstation version and can tell you they are pretty different:

Fat PS1: loads in 1 complete pass, ending when Nikki is just past the edge of the loading sign from the right.

Fat PS2: loads in 1 complete pass, ending when Nikki is past the 'L' from the right..

Fat PS2 (FDS): loads in 0 complete pass, ending when Nikki is about to walk off screen on the right side edge

SSlim PS3 (Disk): loads in 1 complete pass, ending when Nikki is under the '...' from the right.

SSlim PS3 (VC): loads in 1 complete pass, ending when Nikki is under the '...' from the right.

PSP: loads in 1 complete pass, shortly after Nikki comes on screen from the right.

PSP (FDS): loads in 2 complete passes, ending when Nikki is under the 'i' from the left.

Emulator (from visual only): JP vs NTSC yields no obvious difference; both end in 1 complete pass, when Nikki is under the 'n' from the right.

So from personal testing: PS2 (FDS) >> PSP > PS3 VC ~= PS3 (Disk) > Emulator > PS2 > PS1 >> PSP (FDS).

I have no clue what the Sega Saturn, Mobile, Windows, or N-Gage versions run like, but if anyone does know please comment them below.

Conclusion: From this I believe the PS2 FDS ban IS justified, however the reasoning is flawed as many versions are faster than the PS1.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Arizona, USA

I know this thread is a bit old, but I wanted to upload a video of the Saturn version on hardware just to demonstrate load times.

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