LevelFirst place
The Orrery
The Siren Tree (Outside)
The Siren Tree (Inside)
The Siren Tree (Crow Beat Up)
The Witch's Hovel
Glow Worm Temple
Fire Fly Queen
Robot Factory
Robot Maze
Memory Maze
Metal Lizard
The Siren Tree (Red Cogs)
Pipes 'n Drums
Gloop River
Juju Cave
Dog Robot
Free the Prisoners
Blow up the Planes
Prison Break
Earth Forest (Forcefield)
Earth Forest (Climb the Mountain)
Ju Ju Man
Mecha Armor
Power Chip
Energy Core
The Bird Boss
The Dog God
Key #1
Key #2
Key #3
Key #4
Key #5
Key #6
Key #7
Key #8
Glide Magic
Weapon Boost Magic
Speed Magic
Bullet Shield Magic
Health Magic
Damage Shield Magic
Slow Magic
Nuke Magic