[big]Introduction[/big] I spent the last 5 or so days trying to optimise this DLC run. My main goal was to get the missions in a better order, but I figured I'd just go all the way and route everything. I didn't want to put too much effort in, since my goal was just make the run not terrible. There's bound to be better routes and strats than the ones I've found. I'll try and write a little bit about each mission, but sometimes there isn't much to say, so you can just assume that you can do the mission as intended. As of writing this, I haven't done a run with this route, but once I do, I'll try and link to each section of the run.
If you want to contact me with a question, want to point out a mistake or know better routes/strats, you can message me on Twitch or you can find me on the Mafia speedrunning discord.
Each section has a map showing where you'll start, the mission starting point, mission objectives, ending point on the mission and the route you should take between them.
Link to full Imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/cPPeDN5
[big]0: Too Good to be True[/big] You'll want to try and get the guards up against the wall as quickly as possible so you can do a finsiher move.
[big]1: Lost in Transit[/big]
I recommend using the shotgun to blow up the cars so you can preserve you pistol ammo.
[big]2: Shubert Pickup Theft[/big]
Nothing to say here, just shotgun the dude in the pickup and take it back.
[big]3: Smith Coupe Theft[/big]
Pull up in front of the car, you can either pull him out or shotgun him. Just remember that he will try to kill you if you keep him alive.
[big]4: Trash Trailer[/big]
You can lose a lot of time here to traffic RNG. If you know how to improve it, please let me know. At the end, make sure you are ready with your pistol to kill the two dudes.
[big]5: Calling Card[/big]
There is a strat here where you make them blow up their own gas station, but I'm pretty sure it's faster to stop your car at the max shooting distance and taking it out from there. For the gas station(North), I try to stop in front of the 2 red-ish garages on the left and for the other station, I try to stop outside the last house. I find stopping any further than these places means you wont be able to blow up the gas station.
[big]6: Taking the Mick[/big]
As you walk towards the 3 men, engage with the one on the right standing against the wall. Try and get a quick finisher on him. This will have caused the 2 others to run for reinforcements. Use the fence for cover and try to pick off the 2 targets before the pack of enemies get too close so you can drive away to safety.
[big]Gun Stop Interssion[/big] At the end of "Taking the Mick", you'll be right outside Harry's gun shop. The main thing you need from there is the grenades, but you'd just as well stock up on guns and ammo while your there. You should have enough money at this point to just buy everything in the shop, so I'd recommend doing that. Make sure your guns are reloaded before entering so you can hold more.
[big]7: Hank Fuel Truck Theft[/big]
No strats here, just follow the driving line and give yourself plenty of braking room.
[big]8: Paddy Wagon[/big]
For some reason the enemies don't shoot on sight like most missions. This means that you can pull up next to the truck and only agro the enemies when you first start shooting. When you pull up next to the truck, there will be 2 dudes in the corner(1 is quite hidden). Take out both of them, then the person chilling in the truck. Then just drive to the next sequence. Park at the end of the ally way where you can take cover and finish off the enemies that are coming for you. I recommend picking up one of their weapons to use. Once everyone is gone, drive the truck round to the end mission location.
[big]9: Shubert Beverly Theft[/big]
Another standard car theft mission, no strats.
[big]10: The Good Word[/big]
In this mission, you need to knock out 2 dudes, then kill a third. For the first 2 enemies you'll want to approach them with a gun drawn. This puts the enemy into gun mode instead of fist fighting mode. This means that you can then switch back to fists and knock him out in a single 3 light hit combo. For the third target(which has 2 body guards), just make sure to give yourself enough room so you don't get killed getting out of your car.
[big]11: Tanker Trouble[/big]
No strats here. One thing to note is that the tankers must be destroyed in this order, the next tanker location only spawns when the previous is done.
[big]12: Shubert Hearse Theft[/big]
Another standard car theft mission.
[big]13: Sound and Furry[/big]
First 2 sets of boxes can be destroyed like normal, no need to get to close, stay near your car. The third set can be destroyed from the bridge.
[big]14: I Got the Stones[/big]
At the end of the path is a cylindrical building, drive around it to trigger the fight without exiting your car. The game places cars to trying and make you fight your way out, just ram past them. Make sure to hit the front or back of a car to move it out the way easier.
[big]15: GAI 353 Military Truck Theft[/big]
There are 3 people guarding the truck, they can be taken out really easily.
[big]16: Pass the Potcheen[/big]
I'm not sure if destroying the bar can be sped up or not, so just make sure your firing your gun in the bar and the game should set it as "destroyed" fairly quickly.
[big]17: Berkley Kingfisher Theft[/big]
Nothing special here, just be careful jumping off the highway.
[big]18: Jefferson Provincial Theft[/big]
There are 2 police men guarding the car. They won't start attacking you until you start breaking into the car, so just ignore them and drive off.
[big]19: The Red Hand Gang[/big]
Driving up the stairs at the end can be a bit weird sometimes. Don't worry too much if you crash, there are plenty of cars up at the top.
[big]20: Cut the Blarney[/big]
This is the first mission with a fairly hard strat. I'll do my best to explain it. There's the west most car, the set of 2 cars, then the north most car. Firstly, drive straight forward north and hand brake turn so you are facing south sitting between the west most car and the set of 2. Get out, throw a grenade at the set of 2, then immediately switch to an automatic weapon and blow up the one behind you. Now get back into your car and drive back onto the main road. This should draw all of the attention to where you just were and you can head round to the other entrance. To improve survivability, try not to kill anyone here, or at least not in front of the police. If you don't kill anyone, the police will focus the gang members. When heading into the other entrance, you need to check to see if a truck has spawned next to the final target car. If the truck is not there, simple ram your vehicle into the target car up to blow it up. If the truck is there, you need to carefully drive forward a bit and around the truck, then do the same thing. Watch out for the 3 bins though, they can cause you to crash and you probably wont be able to turn around and try again before being killed. Once you've destroyed the last car, just turn around and head for the end mission point.
[big]21: Potomatic Indian Theft[/big]
Standard theft mission.
[big]22: In Defense of the Prosecution[/big]
Ideally, up to this point, you've been using the Thompson and shotgun. Since you'll get to fully re-fill your ammo for those guns in this mission. No special strats here, just make sure to use your mini-map to kill enemies as fast as possible.
[big]23: The Lobotomy[/big]
The easiest way to stop the car, is to stop your car on the first right turn, when you exit the car, everyone in the target car will exit as well, you should be able to pick off the people in front of you then drive off.
[big]24: Walker Rocket Theft[/big]
Another standard theft mission.
[big]25: Police Bus Theft[/big]
Another standard theft mission.
[big]26: Capo Capping[/big]
To start the mission, drive down the steps to the marker. That way you can head north to the first point. Nothing to special here, just make sure to take the shot from as far away as possible.
[big]27: Revolution[/big]
Park your car at the top of the steps, then head down to do the mission. Bare in mind that you will be put on the watch list during this mission. I would also recommend bribing the police at a phone booth, the next mission is hard with the police after you.
[big]28: To Trap a Trapper[/big]
This another mission with a kinda hard and specific strat. This one might be harder to explain. Kill the south most dude from behind the fence with the heavy riffle. Then drive through the fence up to the north most guy, then round a little to the next. You'll want to use one of the automatic weapons for the 2nd and 3rd guys. After that, just drive out. There's a specific way of doing this strat is reliable, but it's hard to explain the exact details.
[big]29: Account Closed[/big]
This mission is actually pretty simple, just walk forward and shot him before you lose line of sight. If you do, it's probably faster to restart checkpoint.
[big]30: Ascot Bailey Theft[/big]
Another standard theft mission.
[big]31: The Don[/big]
The game places trucks down to stop you from driving to your target, but you can ram through them. Aim for the back of the truck, on the far right. Drive round to the pier and stop just before it. Kill the 2 men at the pier and starting heading to the lighthouse. It's very important that you stop before the pier, as vehicles on it will be despawned. After killing the man at the end, head back to your car. The trucks will have returned to their original locations, so either ram through or get in one and move it out the way.
[big]32: Tam in a Jam[/big]
It is possible to drive in kill the target and drive out, but it's insanely hard and I currently haven't found a reliable way of doing it. So the strat I do is clear out the first set of enemies like normal, but be careful as you get to the end, you want to get close enough to make the enemies come to you, but not too close that your target runs away. So once you've cleared out a bunch of the enemies, step forward to the ruined vehicle and wait a few seconds with your heavy riffle for your target to come into view, you should be able to pick him off. Then just get back to your vehicle and leave.
[big]33: The Big Boss[/big]
My strat for this last mission was inspired by the strat Akzo uses in their 2:07:49. When you first pull up in front of the gates, shoot the gas tank of the centre car to kill the target. Get back in your car and drive through the gates up to in front of the house where 1 enemy is standing, kill him and head into the house. The door you open should have a guy standing at the top of some stairs. kill him and head down. Kill everyone in the basement, which will include another target. Head out the side door and equip your grenades. jump up on the wood pile and look for your next target in the hedge maze(You should see the top of a green arrow). Throw a grenade at them and head back into the basement and up the stairs. The final target will be somewhere in the dining room.