So, you want to start speedrunning Lone Fungus, but you don't know where to start? Well, you've come to the right place! If you want to run the All Bosses category, this is the guide for you!
Before we even start, lets go over any special symbols you might encounter during this guide:
Save and Quit:
Save at a Shrine:
Use Teleport Wand:
Teleport via Shrine:
In this example you would teleport from Deep Grotto to lower Color Caverns
Here's the full route:
Now you're probably very confused, but that is okay, and also expected. But do not fret, cause this guide will be split up into easily digestible parts. So lets start from the beginning. . .
Deep Grotto:
Start by running over to get the Pine Sword, but make sure you at least run over the base of the shrine. Then continue to get Pine Sword, when you collect the sword, save and quit.
After you get Pine Sword head to Warrior Statue, you'll be blocked by a gate that can only be opened by parrying. To get the Shield Cap enter the room to the right, do "Todd Skip" to save some time, then do "Statue Tank" to phase through a soldier statue near the top using immunity frames to save a bit more time.
After you get Shield Cap make your way over to Warrior Statue. Defeat it and get Mushmover Infusion.
While your heading towards Magus Statue grab the Brain Node.
Head to Magus Statue to get Mushmover Infusion. In the room before the arena containing 3 Sorcerer Statues, if you don't think you can get optimal movement, go underwater for a short time while moving forward to not get hit by the statues. (Alternatively you could wait, but that is quite a bit slower)
After Magus Statue, head right. When you exit the long room before the arena, keep going right to get Healing Fungus.
Go towards the entrance to Color Caverns, but when you reach the room containing the gold shrine before the entrance, head up to get Quick Feet.
After you get Quick Feet, head back down, equip them, then exit into Color Caverns.
Color Caverns and Deeper Grotto:
Head to Queen Evil Eye to get dash. You don't have updash yet, so you'll have to skip up there using Mush Destroy Pogo (MDP). After you get dash, go save at the shrine so that we can comeback later. Now head to Screw King to get updash. After you get updash head right, but do not save at the shrine. Go to the room containing the Grand Librarian and head upwards to reach The Big Germ, who holds the Bouncy Spore. After you defeat The Big Germ, head down to Deeper Grotto. Before you go into the dash tunnel, go upwards to get the Iron Key. Head to Deeper Grotto, then go to Red Crawler Queen to get the Teleport Wand. After you get Teleport Wand head to Big Butterfly. After defeating the Big Butterfly, use the Teleport Wand to return to the upper shrine of Color Caverns. Head up towards Screw Sentinel and defeat him. After getting the crouch jump, use it to enter the Corrupt Depths.
Corrupted Depths - Mechanical Fort:
Head upwards towards Corrupt Falafel and save at the silver shrine underneath the flame geyser. After saving, head towards the Huge Wallclinger. Defeat Huge Wallclinger and use the Teleport Wand to return to underneath the flame geyser. Magic crouch jump through it and head directly right into the Corrupt Falafel arena. After defeating Corrupt Falafel head towards the back entrance of Lava Temple. Now head up to the Fire Elemental Lord. Defeat the Fire Elemental Lord and head down towards Fire Wyrm, who holds Fire Bounce. You can't yet reach the Fire Wyrm, but you can save at the shrine beneath the arena. Now head into the intended entrance to Lava Temple, and head right instead of down, to reach the room behind Rogue Armadillo, preform the precise "ollidamrA eoguR" (Rogue Armadillo spelled backwards) skip to enter the Rogue Armadillo arena from the unintended side. After beating Rogue Armadillo head into the shrine room below, but do not save, instead use the Teleport Wand to teleport to the room before the Fire Wyrm arena. Enter the Fire Wyrm arena and kick his butt. Now go through Lava Temple and get to the entrance to Mechanical Fort. Go down to the Master Blockmonster and defeat him to get the Bouncy Ball spell. Now go to the Big Evil Flower arena and get the Blue Key Infusion. Afterwards, go to the back entrance of the Queen Evil Eye arena, which you had previously defeated, and go to the shrine to teleport to the upper shrine of the Acid Dungeon.
Finishing Up:
Start by heading down towards Acid Weeper and get Acid Sandals. Go do the entrance to Mechanical Fort and go through it to get to Deeper Grotto, save at the shrine to the right, then head towards Arcane Master. After you defeat Arcane Master use the Teleport Wand to return to the shrine, then head to the Gold Mines. Go through Gold Mines and save at the shrine. Then head left to get Golden Light from the Big Mine Demon. Use the Teleport Wand when you defeat it, and head into the Undergrounds. Save at the shrine in the second room of Undergrounds, then head to Ghost Lord. After you defeat the Ghost Lord, use the Teleport Wand. Head up right to get to the Lord of Darkness. Kick his butt, get the Berserker spell, then head left and up to get into Acid Dungeon. Head down to get to Shelldon and get Acid Hammer. After you get the Acid Hammer, go up towards the Acid Crawler Queen, the final boss in the route. When you defeat her and collect the Wall Bounce, you can save and quit out as to not skew the in-game timer. Check your time, and if you recorded it (I hope you did!), you can post your time to the leaderboards, and hopefully its verified shortly after.
Congratulations! You've now learned the All Bosses route! Happy speedrunning! Have fun, and good luck!
Thank you all so much for your patience! We are unfreezing the leaderboards for runs!
Right now, the two most relevant patch options to select from when submitting your run are latest patch (1.0.14) and "1.0.Mid-Freeze". While rules as written require latest patch at the time of submission, u