"Warpless" -> "All Stages" ?
1 year ago

I know I've been on a bit of a rampage through the category layout changes, but one more thing has been nagging my head. After switching out of "No Wrong Warp" over confusion regarding the colloquial vs. technical definition of a warp, this confusion still remains in the "Warpless" category. This name was invented in the SDA days, before the turbo tunnel skip existed.

Again, I know the turbo tunnel skip is not technically a warp, but out of respect for anybody who might be confused about it, I'd like to suggest a more palatable alternative: the "All Stages" category. As before, I'll give it a little time before changing the name, in case anyone's opposed to it.

Yes or no?

thenesmaster likes this

Насчет категории warpless, мне кажется что нужно оставить название этой категории той же что и была. Мне просто не сильно понятно как люди будут определять all stages от 100% если человек не будет бегать эту игру.

As for the warpless category, it seems to me that the name of this category should be left the same as it was. I just don’t really understand how people will determine all stages from 100% if a person does not run this game.


I will be honest, I always have hated that name for that category, because is so confusing. All stages sounds better


Put my vote as Yes, change it

United States

Should we separate the categories that don't have the turbo tunnel glitch, and other skips to a different category? So it's like (Any% All Stages) And (Warpless)

United States

So people don't get confused


Just all Stages, the simplier the better

United States

Ok, makes sense

thenesmaster likes this

negativ4k has a point, although I would say the point equally applies just as much with both names. When I'm running either category, I'm asked to explain the difference between 100% and Warpless all the time. I don't see how 'All Stages' would be any different.

It would be nice if we had a name that could fix this discrepancy as well, but I'm out of ideas on what that could be.

thenesmaster likes this
United States

All stages honestly makes the most sense

United States

I can see his point too.


All stages sounds good I think


How about "Any% All Stages" and "100% All Stages"? Maybe too long, but will be more understandable for people

United States
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