reasons to route/play/learn any% noboost [not a troll] [sunkir beep]
5 years ago
  • learn many, if not all, relevant object pickup sizes and gains

  • learn to make accurate route improvisations using said size information, which you will eventually be able to make in less time (i.e. while moving at boost speed)

  • get a sense of how long travelling somewhere will take without boosting, which will help you decide in the moment whether or not a boost might be worth going for

  • improve at difficult unboosted movement segments (there's quite a lot of them in 7-moon)

  • gives you a path to gracefully transition to any% by adding in boosts in increasing order of difficulty, based on how much they help or hurt you relative to what you're used to from noboost.

  • improve general katamari control. specifically, noboost drastically increases the importance of speed conservation while changing direction and re-accelerating from zero/negative speed after a bonk. it also makes this easier to learn since you don't have to worry about maneuvering at boost speed.

  • learn to be patient and calm when playing. this is actually the most important one; that's why it's last. watching someone tiltboost hurts my soul really bad, and you shouldn't do it, and you will become zen by conditioning yourself against boosting

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Shookie and holdenpnw like this
  • i am the only good player of this game (crowd starts booing) the ONLY good player of this game and i think i got decisively better playing no boost for a month
Florida, USA

i dont know why i should ttrust you that cetaka guy seems really better at this game

holdenpnw and shamana like this
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