I have seen runs where the runner has used the retry button. How does that have an impact on the in game timer?
It has no effect on the In Game timer, It Sometimes slightly pushes the IGT Off the Autosplitter time, but that's it
There are 3 places that console runners use the retries because when the game reloads in those places it increases player speed for those areas. Because of how the igt works, you do lose some time because the timer starts up before you can exit the load screen, but in those three sections the speed gained cuts more time from the run than the time you lose to the load screen. On PC, there are more retries used because the load time is nearly instant and they won’t lose time to the load screen. So, they use additional retries that will do things other than increase player speed, like manipulating an enemies I-frames or to “teleport” themselves. Those retries on console lose the time save in those instances since the igt starts too early in the load screen.
Thanks for the info. Gonna aim for that console record now!
In most places you use a retry, the person is running forward so they’re pressing forward on their analogue stick or the w key when they hit the pause button. It scrolls through just because it takes a moment to pull off of holding forward.
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