Rules on this skip
6 years ago
United States

I've found a small dialogue skip you can use on the npc at the bridge after the opening cutscene. its consistent but i don't know if it fits within rules. It doesn't require any other save data (such as data in file 2 or 3) but it does involve quitting from a clean fresh file at a specific point. Then starting the game over. Just curious if this is applicable. Video demo link:


Hmm interesting, considering the time it saves versus the setup not sure if people would be willing to do it.

There are other games that use similar setup to inherit certain stuff to fresh files (such as Banjo Kazooie FFM trick) in which in theory you do play in a fresh file, however, you already have all the moves learned, saving a considerable amount of time.

Still I don't know if this would be allowed, I don't think is a major issue to allow it in runs, I just think it would be annoying to setup before every run to save about 3 seconds haha.

Nice finding btw!

Arizona, USA

Yeah i don't agree with strats that require pre set-up. Would consider it a NG+ run strat. Wonder what else this kind of skip would work with in this game.

Maybe you could talk to king dice at the end where if you have enough souls he'll let you fight but if not you have to go beat more bosses. Then reset the game and get back there w/o killing all the bosses and he'll think you have?

California, USA

I'm partial to not allowing it, personally, but I'll discuss it with the other mods

LucidAnemone likes this
United States

my current run (currently 8th on any% at time of posting) uses this skip so if its decided against I understand completely if the run becomes invalid. I have a previous run that doesn't use this exploit albeit a bit slower. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

California, USA

Nah, you're fine. It's a valid point worth talking about

California, USA

On second thought, I'm fine with this. The way we're setting up some of the new categories, it seems like some will require prior setup, so it'd be silly to allow that and ban this

California, USA

In case you haven't seen, since it requires prior preparation, the mods have decided to ban it