Detrimental Glitch That Slows Your Walking Speed
2 years ago
Mississippi, USA

I just encountered a glitch that I have not seen talked about. I wanted to make a forum post to warn runners about it, or to see if anyone else has seen it before.

I was just completing a run, I was very happy with it and was ready to stop the timer when I realized I was 1:30 behind. I was super confused as I hadn't made any serious mistakes and had great Shark/Seal parts. I played my run and my previous run at the same time to see what I messed up on, but they quickly became very out of sync when I was just walking. I was walking about 1.5x slower in my new run. This lasted all the way up until starting Molly's segment, which then returned my speed to normal.

It might be a console only glitch, but I wanted to acknowledge it. It has already fixed itself, but it sucks that it ruined that run.

Edit: I just recreated it, and I think I know what causes it. I started my runs with the wr video playing along side it. At first, my runs loaded FASTER than the wr. But as I kept resetting, my load times increased. After the 5th reset, Edith again became 1.5x slower. So it seems if I want to have the fastest speeds and loadtimes, I have to restart my whole game. If anyone knows better, please correct me.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Alabama, USA

Back when I was doing runs this happened to me. I noticed around the time I got around halfway through the forest at the beginning I was already in the red. After that I took a break and when I came back it was fixed.

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