practice hack
4 years ago
Connecticut, USA

I am having trouble figuring out how to get the practice hack to work on my Everdrive. I'm almost certain I need to link it with the ROM somehow but not sure how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BBoppers likes this

Why are you directing someone in the Zelda 1 forum to the OOT discord? OOT has nothing to do with this game, this game has its own discord pinned on the side of the LBs here.

EDIT: the user who I was responding to with this deleted their post.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
BBoppers and linny356 like this
South Carolina, USA

The practice hack is an IPS patch that needs to be applied to the original game. I use LunarIPS, but I think there are a couple other options out there.

BBoppers, Timmiluvs and 2 others like this
Connecticut, USA

I'll give it a try thank you.

BBoppers likes this
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