A couple of questions about fps and what counts as glitchless and not.
5 months ago
  1. On the "Levels" leaderboard, there is no rule about fps. Is it capped on 60 fps there or is it only full game. The current stage 1 wr holder has no proof of 60 fps. If its needed to have 60 fps can you then reject his run. If not is it then okay to make runs with no fps proof?

  2. The current glitchless wr on stage 2 is using pay to win bodyparts to speedglitch his avatar. I thought it was only any% it was allowed to use glitches. If this is true, can you then reject the run too?

  3. The times on all of the level leaderboards are innaccurate. I think its pretty important to retime all current standing world records because, fx. level 18 is a straight line and people probably got 6.5 in the old days and you guys then put them down to 6. Now its impossible to beat the time because you guys retime me to a higher number. When its a press W level its impossible to beat the current standing records. I can help you guys retime all of the current level wr's just to get a fair leaderbaord :)

Thanks for reading -Bulller

Edited by the author 5 months ago
  1. I don't really care about the fps unlocker, it does change the psychics but it's built in to the roblox app.
  2. Deleted that run
  3. About inaccurate run retimes; what do you mean by that? I retime every run whenever the character first moves, and end when touching the checkpoint. I got moderator in this game in March and i haven't retimed yet further than level 2, but trust me it took alot to retime these il's and full game runs. Ill check that level 18 thing you're talking about whenever i have free time.

I might give you verifier, so you could help me with that, add me on discord and ill let you know.

Edited by the author 5 months ago

Thank you so much for replying and being open to answer my questions! :)

  1. The innacurate times is when you for example decide to make it 10 seconds flat and not retime it further. The problem to that is not being able beat the times. Many of the for example 10 seconds flat runs is probably around 10.4 seconds (They got rounded down to 10 in 2023 and older years). They are currently not being rounded down and instead getting retimed. This means that some records are impossible to beat when you have a straight line on a level.

Just wait until weekend, don't stress about it :) Thanks for reading -Bulller

Edited by the author 5 months ago

Yeah, i have to retime that, i haven't retimed that yet because i was burned out from retiming FG runs. Thats why i also plan on doing that when i have some free time. Thanks for patience.

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