Fingers crossed Im an old quake guy, my buddy is an old goldeneye / halo guy.
as kids we used to meet up and battle with hexan on n64 as a mutual battleground.
looking at the physics it looks doom / quake like. should be right at home on PC.
basically we want to do a nostalgic run and hexan popped up as an idea.
Added in a 2-player co-op category. It's any class + any class, so you get to choose whichever player classes are the fastest. Objective is to finish game on any difficulty level. Video and/or demofile for submission. 'Hammer of Thyrion' source port or the original game are both fine (as in singleplayer categories).
I'm not that knowledgeable how co-op works in this game, haven't tried it myself. I know it works somewhat like in Quake. :) Do tell if the co-op category rules need some clarifying.
Have fun running the game if you're still planning to!