Category Suggestions
4 years ago

Suggest any longer/full game categories here.

I'm currently unsure about what we could do for longer categories or if anyone is interested in doing them so any suggestions are appreciated.

IGRIK likes this

hello i have a suggestion of a category. it's named tutorial%(alaska%). the goal is to complete the tutorial of the game as fast as possible. start: when you start a new game end: the first frame you're outside the garage in alaska

i hope, that you like my idea. have a great day.


I've added it as a category but have changed the end to as soon as you press on the button to go to alaska as otherwise people could save/lose time depending on how long it takes to load.

Texas, USA

All Contracts and 100% for each location would be cool, a little shorter than doing all three.


could you have a glitchless %?


Which categories currently use intentional glitches?

Don 100% solo please add

Can you verify my record time in Don?

Please add new category: Alaska 100% co-op mode

Podkarpackie, Poland

vladaldu single handedly reviving this game out there while i do some 2 or 3 runs and call it speedruning XD


When you're too cool for Alaska - All Region Objectives

Justysuwu, a lot of thanks!!! Alaska 100% 4 players please add. I know about one 4-player team, for completing Alaska in 9:25:17. It is not All region Objectives. It is 100%. He named as Great Marathon, and it is in Russian language.


Might change the rules regarding the All Region Objectives/Regional % categories, would be good if anyone interested could join the discord to vote/discuss

Podkarpackie, Poland

meme category flip%, starts same as tutorial ends when roof of your truck/car touches ground


Категория прохождение карты с нуля. Отчёт времени должен начинаться из гаража после загрузки игры, при нажатии любой из клавиши на клавиатуре либо джойстике, либо любое перемещение или действия в городе, должен стартовать таймер, выбор автомобиля и его подготовка должны входить во временные рамки спидрана, естественно карта должна быть вся закрыта. В такой категории улучшение для транспорта можно не учитывать, просто пройти все поручения и задания включая задания на время, за максимальное быстрое время. Таймер должен устанавливаться При появлении диалогового окна о выполнении последнего задания при достижении 100% э, либо указать процент выполнения перед спидранов в другой категории. Такая же категория только при совместном прохождении с командой игроков таймер на мой взгляд должен стартовать только после выхода из гаража любого из членов команды. Ну а вопрос с читерами и с изменением файлов игры стоит достаточно открыто и остро. Игра очень доброжелательно относятся к любым изменениям касающимся автомобилей мощности двигателей, скорости, зацепа колёс и тому подобное, как всё это проверить перед стартом спидрана не представляю, за исключением демонстрация обновления игры либо установки или проверки файлов целостности самой игры.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Vladaldu likes this

Category passing the map from scratch. The time count should start from the garage after loading the game, when you press any of the keys on the keyboard or joystick, or any movement or actions in the garage, the timer should start, the choice of the car and its preparation should be included in the time frame of the speedrun, of course, the map should be completely closed . In this category, the improvement for transport can be ignored, or divided into subcategories (pumped transport or not, it is better to indicate all this before the start of the race), just complete all assignments and tasks, including timed tasks, in the fastest possible time. The timer should stop when a dialog box appears about the completion of the last task when it reaches 100%, or specify the percentage of completion before the speedrun in another category. Another variant of the race, the same category only when passing together with a team of players, in my opinion, the timer should start only after leaving the garage of any of the team members, preparation of transport should not be included, this makes no sense, and I have no idea how this can be tracked . You can also create and think through the rules for passing any map from zero to 100% (or specify the percentage yourself) without preparation and open transport, the timer should start with the creation of a save for a new game, further manipulations, in addition to downloads, are included during the race, whether it is a transition to another card to open a new better or more convenient car, improvements for it, and so on. It is logical to imagine that the race can be accelerated by spending a little time moving from one region to another in order to open or get a new truck that is more convenient for the race for free, thereby speeding up the race time, and not ride on what was in Michigan ;-))) Naturally, it is not entirely clear how to take into account the level of the player and the amount of money, it depends on what can be bought in the store and what will still be closed for purchase, because before the start of any race I can play in a cooperative and in this way fill money before the start of the game and level. Well, the issue with cheaters and changing game files is quite acute and is still open. The game is very friendly to any changes related to cars, engine power, speed, wheel traction and the like, I can’t imagine how to check all this before the start of the speedrun, with the exception of demonstrating the game update, or installing or checking the integrity files of the game itself (restoring files in EpicGames for example, or Steam), obvious signs can be seen on their own, but minor changes can no longer be detected. I am not a programmer and I have no special education, I will say this as I understand it. The game has a very low softlock threshold, it is very loyal to any file changes, apparently the developer created all this in such a way that there were no problems with mods. In advance, sorry for the mistakes in the text, I do not speak English, so I used Google translator, with this message I edited my previous post in Russian.


I'll go through the points in the order you raise them:

  1. I like the idea, but it's not practical to add every single map to the leaderboards. Some contracts in maps depend on contracts from other maps, should the maps with these contracts also be fully unused? (I assume by map you mean Black River, Smithville Dam etc. rather than Michigan as a whole?). This is something I'd like to add if we could have category extensions/another IL leaderboard, but SnowRunner isn't active enough at the moment for the site mods to approve category extensions.

  2. I agree that they'd also make good MP categories/any%/100% variants, but the same issues as above apply.

  3. I am aware it is easy to modify saves/game files. For saves in most runs it's not an issue because as soon as you unlock any repeatable contests you can grind as much money/XP as you want. As for modifying game files, you're right that it's easy to modify to make your truck secretly faster, I do look out for discrepencies that arise with this sort of modification. I don't want to be too strict about enforcing that every run has proof that it's unmodified as it would make it more difficult for everyone to just record and perform their run.

I hope I make sense, let me know if you have any other comments.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
IGRIK likes this

by the words map, I meant the region as a whole with a set of maps, I just didn’t put it that way.

there is also a problem with how to see and understand whether the trucks of the participants in the cooperative game have been secretly modified. The one who records the mileage may not even be aware of such changes.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

If you're interested in doing regional categories we have "All Region Objectives" categories for a lot of the regions, and 100% categories for them too. (If they're missing for a region you want let me know and I'll add them). They're in the Full Game Leaderboards and have options for 1 - 4 players.

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Snowrunner on GSPS 2024 Dzieciom

In the middle of March (15.03.2024 10:30 am CET) Justysuwu (me) will run Snowrunner on a Polish on-site marathon "GSPS 2024 Dzieciom"

The category will be Tutorial 100%

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