Situation with new versions/bug fixes going forward with Preview Campaign
6 years ago

Would like to start a discussion on this for anyone interested. What do you feel would be the correct course of action going forward with the page?

Let's say for argument's sake that stuff in Preview Campaign Version 1.0 such as:

-The bowling bomb spam/weapon switch exploit shown in Ch0wW's run is entirely fixed/removed next patch

-The toilet door to vent clip at the end of level 1 is made to only work on the first try only (so runs with repeated attempts on the door would be impossible in further versions)

-The ledge clip next to the blue key door in level 1 is made more difficult/less consistent/impossible

Should the leaderboards be wiped to account for Version 1.1 and any further versions that make things like these impossible/non-existent?

Should the Version 1.0 runs be moved to another subgroup of tabs or something and then Version 1.1 takes the primary spot, just to keep everyone's for-fun legacy records showing? Mixing and matching Preview Campaign any%'s across multiple versions could be messy when things like this happen.

Keep in mind the game is currently in early access and there is ongoing development, and some of these changes are definitely going to take place in further Preview Campaign patches, and the game imo could only really be considered polished/complete/released with the actual release version.

The availability of the Preview Campaign Version 1.0 will also be extremely diminished as time goes on, as Steam and GOG will probably only have the most up to date versions available, so competing on 1.0 would cause problems there too.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

We really need a glitchless section you know without any clip or anything

Edited by the author 6 years ago
ReasonEQ likes this

A Glitchless category would be highly appreciated, a 1.1 leaderboard would be needed as GoG and steam users have different versions now (and 1.0 being unavailable on steam too) and due to changes and fixes made in 1.1.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
zombieteube likes this

yes a 1.1 secctionn wpould be great !


There is now a Version 1.0 and Update 1 subcategory for all runs.


Thanks you ! :)


If there is a lack of runs happening on either versions (1.0 or Update 1) over the next week or so I might just decide to remove the subcategories (Version 1.0 and Update 1, that is. 100% and All Secrets will still be there) and just have them all on one leaderboard. At the time of the ez clip being removed in Update 1 we didn't really have an alternative for skipping the blue key (and thus half of the level), which gave Version 1.0 a large enough advantage for the split there to be warranted. Now there are multiple and one of which is actually faster than the old easy one, so the version difference is a lot less important.

I also feel like splitting them up into subcategories has just made the ranking look smaller and less interesting to outsiders/people who might want to try running the game, which is not something you want when you're trying to grow a community around a game.

I personally have my Any% PB on Update 1 with a route that would look exactly the same on Version 1.0. I have not yet run 100% so I'm not sure about the nuances about the changed enemy count and item pickups affecting the times there, but the absence of the ez clip in Update 1 really isn't that big a deal as far as I can tell, which probably proves I was hasty in making the decision to add versioned subcategories.

Of course, this could still really change in future if the developers do decide to remove a large timesave without an alternative existing, and I'm still really not sure how to handle that seeing as the easiest version for new players to access will always be the latest ones, meaning people with their hands on older versions might have an easier route. GOG & Steam tend to keep their versions of games up to date.

The other option is to keep it similar to the way it is now and kinda copy what the Cuphead page does ( They have all the old times people have got on older versions of the game under a Legacy tab, with only the Current Patch showing other than it. So when Update 2 comes out, Version 1.0 & Update 1 runs would end up under a Legacy tab, and then Update 2 would become the default version for people to upload runs for. Really I just want to avoid purging the whole list of old times people have got because that could be perceived as a "toxic" way of handling it. Just depends how much could get changed in the upcoming patches.

If I ended up merging the subcategories I would add a Version column that has to be filled in for each run so it's at least easy to see which version people prefer.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Fixed the leaderboard to show Update 1 & Version 1.0 alongside eachother. It's a variable you have to enter when submitting a run and shows up in its own column.

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