ILs during a full game run
3 months ago
United States

So I know it's a little weird to ask, but is there any way to submit some of the missions I've done during a few of my full game runs and if so what would the timing look like?

I'm assuming it's going to be a no , but it's worth at least asking about it since I've had some missions during my runs of the game even though I haven't submitted them that have basically been really good and even better then some of my IL attempts. (You tell me how it would feel once you split at the first frame of the load screen to another mission and then get that really good ​ execution.)

Oh, on another note I really do need to stream some of my eye out attempts as I've got a few times for Gsmer that beat casual by at least 10s or more.


I understand that it would be nice to be able to submit missions done from a full game run to the IL leaderboard. However, my main reason for not allowing this is simply because I can't verify what difficulty the run was performed on, which is why IL submissions start on difficulty selection.

United States

@ominij Technically it's possible provided the full game run is submitted for each lol. Joking on that one of course. But on a serious note I do completely understand, although I will note it is possible to know if it's on casual gamer mode at minimum just due to the health regeneration since the other difficulties don't have that ability. Sadly for the other 2 difficulties it's a bit harder because you gotta look at damage done and taken which of course takes extra time for verification but at minimum I figured I'd ask.

Also I've got a full game run to submit at some point, but my lastest on Stream run wasn't the best for the endgame. Offline as I had a chance to practice using the Switch version while at PACE I got around a 02:40:42 for Gamer difficulty. Though I did get a chance to get a few people to check out the game that liked it and at least said they might run the game. Gameplay wise the Switch version does indeed run slower but does feel like damage was buffered the tiniest bit to make it as a viable option for full game runs. However, it does feel like it might be a good option for some of the ILs as it doesn't have the super sampling so the settings the game uses basically gets rid of a lot of the clouds so visibly is a lot better for some of the missions. Did find a few graphics settings for PC that can help a little bit with that but not as good as what the Switch has so figured I'd note it here.

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