Wrecking Ball Glitch
7 years ago
United States

Everyone else I know who does this glitch instantly can do it except for me. My percentage on doing this correct is around 50%. In runs I always see Ashley point something out when she jumps down, but has never shown me that cut scene since I have been trying to attempt it. There really isn't any real guide on how to efficiently accomplish this glitch, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips for a more consistent pattern. I have a Xbox One controller and use the type III button layout.

New Jersey, USA

I recall doing this glitch wrong at first too. I forget what the problem was but I do remember it was a simple fix. Can you get a video of you failing it? If so I should be able to figure out what's going wrong. If you can't I'll make a quick little guide on it

esfrenchie09 likes this

Only works with the normal and special costume 1. Make sure Ashley is in the follow mode. Can't have any weapon equipped, it has to say empty. Aim the knife at Ashley, while doing so also press down the button you would normaly aim your weapon with. Keep holding down the weapon button and release the knife button. Jump down, still holding down the weapon button. Run over to the switch and hit it. You can now release the weapon button which makes Ashley follow you again. Make sure you stand at a spot where the enemies can't directly see you.

Hope this helps you :o

dangerdan5, SmileAndPatch and 3 others like this
United States

I greatly appreciate all of the replies. I have managed to figure out the issue and why it has been messing up. As soon as I hit check on the lever with X it thinks that I want to skip the cut scene(since my files were to skip events with X) with Ashley pointing at the door. So the enemies manage to spawn way earlier since the game skips the cut scene and checks the lever at the same time. I found out that having her jump down and activate the cut scene before I pull the lever has made the glitch way more consistent. So now it shows the cut scene with Ashley pointing at the door when before she wouldn't do that at all for me. Again, thanks for the replies and I appreciate you guys helping out very quick. <3

Arizona, USA

You can fix that by changing the keybinds, I have my map key set as accept instead so it doesn't trigger that cutscene. I have morses pastebin saved at home, I'll post it once I get on my computer tonight

esfrenchie09 likes this
United States

Awesome! Thanks for the help everyone!!

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