What Happened To 100% and Softlock%?
2 years ago
Minnesota, USA

Both of the tabs for them are not hear and i think both deserve to be hear as 100% is a an easier run for newcomers and softlock% is one of those fun categories, even if they aren't as popular as any% they still had people run them decently consistently. or maybe I'm wrong and just salty I don't have a wr anymore lol. Edit: it seems individual level runs have also been removed so now for the whole game theirs just any% now which feels kinda shallow to have only one option

Edited by the author 2 years ago
GameguySD likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

Yo NotClyos!

"100%" was removed as it did not stand to benefit from being separated from Any%. There are no collectibles or checkpoint statistics, and its loose route requirement is indistinguishable from that which any other run on the Any% leaderboard could perform.

"Softlock%" was removed as it does not really stand to be a tracked category. Clipping into walls is fun, but if an entire category can be maxed out in a couple minutes it's not really worth competing in. Also, you just die to the timer so it isn't even a softlock :p

That being said, something doesn't need to be tracked for someone to enjoy doing it. Having a dedicated leaderboard should be reserved for something that has, to at least some extent, its own merits as a category. If you (or anyone else) can think of a unique category, I'll add it to the site.

Cheers, GG

NotClyos likes this
Minnesota, USA

Thanks for the reply, its nice to see their are a few new moderators! i do get why softlock% was removed and while i few a little mixed on 100% i see the reason why it was removed. i do feel individual levels should have their leaderboards back up, but all in all a definitely get the reason behind it.

Thanks, NotClyos!

GameguySD likes this

ILs are useless because the game is cycle based, also the game is too short for them to actually matter. A better way to try and get the limit of all the levels is to try and TAS the game to be perfect in each one, because it would get reasonable cycles. If you did ILs for every level and added up the times it would be something like 50 seconds because the cycles are different for each run. so TAS is basically the only way to get a view of the perfect run

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