Can we use special edition
2 years ago
Utah, USA

Can we use the special editions of monkey island 1 and 2 for the marathon?

Emilia-Romagna, Italy

if you want to do a micro monkey marathon (that only has the first 2 games) then there's a tab for the special edition versions, otherwise I don't know, it's a decision that needs to be taken by the community, but given that the special editions are slower I feel like people will not complain, regardless it's better to ask in the lucasarts channel in the speedy adventure discord:

I would be happy with not splitting into categories, and letting people just do runs with any version. There are so few runners doing this marathon thing, and Special Edition has nobody at all yet. By having everything together, people who want to do a fun run and put it on the leaderboard can do so, and they'll only have to mess around with original versions if they want to be competitive.

frozenspade likes this
Utah, USA

I sincerely apologize! This thread (and I think also a question in the Speedy Adventures discord) flew under my radar. There is a category for specifically running both Monkey Island 1 and 2 Special Edition. However if anyone wants to run any of the longer categories that include more than just 1 and 2 feel free to use the Special Editions, just be aware that that will come at the cost of a significant loss of time.