Turning corners at speed
1 year ago

I'm going to assume everyone here already knows this, but it might be useful for any other new runners:

TIL that there is a "Smooth Turning" option in the gameplay settings. Switching it off allows you to round corners instantly without having to worry about momentum. And in my case, to fall off the world in new and exiting ways, trying to compensate for resistance that was no longer there. Playing as Toree, this saved over 3 seconds on 1-1.

I HAD been wondering how people were moving like that, but I thought it was some kind of movement tech XD.

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Autosplitter fixed for 100% and True Ending

So as some of you might know, the autosplitter hasn't been too accurate with the timing of 100% and True Ending speedruns. The timer doesn't pause during the bonus results screen which results in the livesplit time becoming significantly slower compared to the actual in-game time.

But just now, L

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