7 years ago

I think that timing in this game should be changed to real time, hundredths place as the game has become so optimal. Flutterparty and other members of this community, please notify me your opinion on this.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Georgia, USA

i kinda like the idea of keeping real time, i really have no preference, guess we'll see other's thoughts


Now is it time?


Yeah, I could change the runs to real time (I think). I agree it would be hard, that's a problem.


Found out that after start you can time it perfectly to get "E" "P" "S" and then beat "I" column, maybe it'll save dat second to make 2:32

Georgia, USA

With TAS I've found a way to get it like .3 seconds away from 2:32. It involves a frame perfect S shot before and after the second barrier, as well as shooting out 4 of the first line of Ps before going right of the first barrier (this uses the same strategy as the 2:31 otherwise). Gonna see if there's any other trick to improve this, or some other strategy. As of right now it looks like the 2:32 is not possible, but who knows there was a time I didn't think 2:30 was possible.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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