Attack Animations
5 years ago
United States

So as I was playing more and more I noticed something I never noticed before. Depending on which node you add to the combo, they do different animations. Some of them even being AoE. I played around a bit and was able to speed fights up by getting these AoEs off. I was curious if anyone actually has a broken down the specific combos for either NG+ or best as you aquire them for NG? Or if they just throw everything randomly into one big chain? I really noticed an improvement when trying to line animations up though. So was just wondering.


To my knowledge, all the AoE moves are strictly DLC and because of that I hadn't had the chance to test them yet. Theoretically, you could use those moves to eliminate a lot more randomness out of the fights. AoEs mean that you're able to control the fights more effectively, because enemies get stunned when they get hit, which also would lead to longer, consistent combos. You could then even shave off some time by killing multiple enemies at once (by keeping at least one enemy in an overloadable state for example, or just by doing enough damage late in your combo to one hit multiple enemies).

I think one of the moves is an uppercut. Depending on how the game handles that, it might also position Nilin in a way that she can't get hit when she usually would have been for a moment.

Because I'm kinda restricted with the original moves, in NG+ I use the long combo and put 3 chain pressens as early as possible to maximize early damage output, which still makes it feasible to one-cycle all the bosses, although if you mess up one hit on Madame you won't be able to.

If you have multiple AoEs, I would put one on third or fourth position, or where you feel enemies are usually attacking you, to get more consistent combos, then put one pretty late. Late attacks in combos do more damage, which should do the same amount to all the enemies you hit in your AoE = shorter fights.

I'm pretty sure none of the original moves, except the first punch Power Pressen, actually have faster attack animations, so the hitbox comes out on the same frame for each move. Might be different for DLC.

By having the DLC, are you able to fill out the entire long-combo with chain pressens btw?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

I actually do not know what the difference is between non-dlc and dlc combo pages. I get one of the AoEs really early in NG, so it never crossed my mind it might be DLC. Quick question, could you upload an image of your combo page? I am going to do a video once I get a 100% save file of each of the animations. But currently I am really limited. But you can compare to my image here, or post yours so I can see the differences, as mine came with the DLC when I got it.

Also taken from the DLC page "Download the Combo Lab pack for the ultimate way to customize your fighting style with all three unique pressen fighting moves, plus the exclusive dragon punch, spinning kick and flash kick moves." I am going to assume the one I am showing is the spinning kick. It really does speed things up as I can take out multiple targets and dodge hits exactly like you described. This is why I decided to make a post for it.

I really am wanting to indepth test each of these animations now and see what exactly the difference is. Becuase if the spin kick is this impactful as a DLC move, surely the others are in some fashion as well. And maybe even others like the upper cut you mentioned. However I have no way to tell what the other DLC moves would be based off their name, but the spinning kick makes me believe this one at least is on the right mark maybe xD

So maybe your image and mine can be compared to see what the actual difference in DLC is as well. And I do think this is worth looking into (at least I will here soon, almost done learning the run) as I actually think I might get pretty darn close to the NG+ times simply from trying to clean each fight specifically up as if you save even 5 seconds each fight across all fights, you will save multiple minutes by the end, because there comes a point where NG+ and NG are doing almost the same versus easy mode enemies.


Here you go.

I'd be interested in an indepth test. I also agree it would be cool to know if there are special properties to the rest of the DLC moves that might be useful for us in a run. All the moves with orange arrows in your image should be DLC I suppose?

And yeah, the World Record times aren't exactly good yet, no offence. It should be relatively easy to grab it :) From my calculations, 02:53 should be possible in a perfect NG+ run without DLC. With DLC, as you said, because you're able to save a lot of time fighting, it might even be up to 5 minutes less. With potential shorter attack animations, who knows, maybe an additional minute or so.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

So I think the orange arrow/box might actually be the DLC mark yeah. As I mentioned, I got all the DLC ones really early so it will also be very useful in NG too. And yeah there are a lot of time losses on all the runs really.

Okay I will include the DLC (orange box) pressens seperate in the video. I took a bit of time on episode 3 and episode 5 learning things. As I found out just how much time is actually possible to save on episode 3 even. BUT I am on episode 7 now, and will go back and work on 100%ing this file so I can make the video.


What, time saves in Episode 3? Episode 3 in all the WR runs was obviously an example of the finest gameplay mechanics perfected by only the most prepared runners at that time. I have no idea what you're talking about ;)

Alright then, looking forward to your video and findings.

United States

So I finished unlocking everything, and certain animations DO go off faster than other animations. I still have not figured out what is so special about the other DLC moves yet lol. But I am slowly making a video going over each animation. This should speed everyones fights up! Just updating this topic to confirm. I know the DLC is allowed and is not seperate category, so the spin kick really makes it worth getting even if that is the only DLC move that is special, because it lowers all foes hit by 1 hit, speeding all the chains up. Out of the few animations I have tested so far, it seems after maybe a few 2 hit chains I saved a second just with 1 animation swap out for a faster one. This of course will not change anything drastic such as swapping in a healing pressen instead of a damage one because the more damage the faster period. But these small things can add up over a 3 hour run. Will probably be a lot more noticable in comparing 2 runs where the glitches are done without a person messing up, and the speed mainly coming from the fights and pathing.


Is it that the moves you found to be faster are faster no matter what or are they only faster when you put them in a certain order? Have you found that order changes anything at all?

It would be cool to have actual frame work done on this, basically like a pause buffer, counting the frames until the move connects/hits, then also counting the ending lag frames that it takes until your next action can be input again, if you know what I mean. Might be a little overkill, but this is interesting to me nonetheless.

In case you're not doing this, I'll get on that as soon as you're ready to share the moves you found to be faster

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

I know exactly what you mean. I have recorded a lot of footage but I have not been able to edit it and break it down because I'm out of town. It was faster alone but more noticably faster in a chain, at least by the example animations. The lag from hitting could actually neutralize it a lot.

United States

Going to leave this here for now until I come back to it, or someone else picks it up. My innitial theory was correct in that there can be a large time difference in attack animations. But what I was not expecting was the leading/base combo hit of X or Y starts, have many different possible animations themselves unlike the actual combo chain pressens themselves. This drastically changes things, but this is a short video of part of the testing I was starting. And also here is the documentation Traivlin made himself from the information from this video.

I just wanted to compile it here for future reference once I get more time or someone else would like to take over :) As for now I want to focus on doing full runs plus I have other things going on that take a large portion of time currently. Big thanks to Traivlin for the help so far with this, in game as well as on the editing for it.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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