GTA3 seemingly useless glitches megathread
9 years ago

seemingly useless glitches 'megathread' for gta3



One of the best glitch I've ever heard of is so called hobos tunnel glitch. It is well known that there is a fixed spawn of 4 hobos in Portland tunnel near 8-ball's. Take a high enough vehicle (Rumpo is fine) to this tunnel and stop not far from them. Jump on top of the car. You'll notice that hobos start moving. Wait a little bit and drop to ground. New 4 hobos will spawn. Keep doing it until a fairly noticable graphical change will happen (it happened to me after 30 respawns). After it you may leave the tunnel and watch how the city looks like. Spending time in this "mode" leads to further graphical changes.

Spawning even more hobos eventually leads to game crashing because, as far as I know, ped pool can't contain more than 140 peds.

Maryland, USA

Teleporting in the starting cutscene after low% bad ending

Payphone pickup animation skip (don't think it saves time in Payday for Ray but whatev)

Tokyo, Japan

Remote controlled Stretch with demolition derby possibilities. Needs the mission loader to work, you have to trigger Chaperone when you are in the Stretch during Chaperone already. #


This belongs here I guess....

For the duration of the video I was not pressing any buttons (until the end where I tried to regain control and crashed), I reckon this would have gone on indefinitely

Tokyo, Japan

loops being useless, lol...

regaining control shouldn't be a problem either

Mazowieckie, Poland

This thing? It does not require an Ambulance.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Tokyo, Japan

Pretty clever usage of the car crusher glitch. The glitch itself was known already, and it doesn't save time here, considering the long setup. In fact, this glitch is never used in any category in this game, as far as I know.

tfw i was hoping for a paramedic instapass


Sucks that dropped frames during this BibleThump

Tokyo, Japan

That is "intended". If the Enforcer gets stuck in the cutscene, the cutscene will play again until the Enforcer can make it to the destination. If you look at old Winter Mod races, the Enforcer needs a handful of tries to make it into the trigger zone, since the handling is bad and it's sliding all over the place.

This "glitch" is fairly common in runs as well, I've had it a handful of times.


If player has wanted level and at least one cop on foot is after him, gangsters will not attack player, even if they are hostile to him by default, if it's a rampage etc, but flee instead. Thanks to CasterTM for asking to investigate it. Works the same in VC.

South Georgia

Getting a wanted level before difficult rampages is a 3 year old PussyStrat in vc hundo.

i didn't know that, it should be really useful (at least for a scrub like me) to complete the shoreside flamethrower rampage


This one's interesting

Zachoholic and Derpeth like this

If a plane (for example, ADITO or S.A.M.) is hit by a rocket, it's possible to manipulate the outcome with pause menu. Plane is set to be destroyed on 62nd frame after rocket collision was detected, and pause frames are included in frame count. As the result, plane destruction can be avoided at all (and any further rockets will not affect the plane) if 62nd frame is rendered in a pause menu, and if player has less than 2 seconds on S.A.M. after rocket collision, player can enter pause menu for some time (<62 frames) to stop clock from counting down, so it can be a backup strat in case of time trouble.

Same manipulation may be used for generic dodo planes in the air. None of that stuff affects assignment of wanted level, which is awarded on a rocket collision.

Tokyo, Japan

What about replay on SAM? The other day I got a late shot, even though my shot was normal. On the other hand, I triggered the bribe replays earlier than I'm used to, after the shot landed but before the plane blew up. I normally do it after the pane blows up.

Does it make a difference, or did I just mistime the shot? The packages landed as if it was a late shot, so one of them went to the dam side.

California, USA

  1. This is probably well known.
  2. Brett found this a long time ago. What I changed was spawning under the bridge.
  3. This probably serves no purpose, that's why it's in the useless thread :)

EDIT: it was known lol

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Gaël likes this

Copied from Discord. TL;DR, the first ever "long instapass" was found (not tested in-game, I do not care enough.^^) "Joint last! You talk like a driver, but you drive like a talker!" -> "Love's Disappearance" instapasses "Bait" Quote start:

Nice meme [quote] {509197 5555} 01E5: text_1number_highpriority 'Y1JLAST' number $COUNTER_PLAYER_POINTS duration 4000 ms flag 1 // Joint last! You talk like a driver, but you drive like a talker! {509215 5573} 0001: wait 2000 ms

:YARD1_5578 [/quote]

  • LOVE7 lands at [quote] {560966 5176} 0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level {560971 5181} 0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += 35000 {560981 5191} 0318: set_latest_mission_passed 'AS1' // 'BAIT' {560991 5201} 030C: set_mission_points += 1 {560995 5205} 004F: create_thread @NONAME_69 {561003 5213} 0051: return [/quote]

That is the first legit long instapass ever. 😄 In plain English: "Joint last! You talk like a driver, but you drive like a talker!" -> "Love's Disappearance" instapasses "Bait" Stacks are compatible - what about the mission tree... Would be totally strange if that would get in the way. There is just one problem: it is slow. 😄

Edited by the author 7 years ago
California, USA

Does anyone know why SrakS' glitch happened? I had it happen to me yesterday during a USJ attempt (lol), and I'd like to know how to avoid it.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Tokyo, Japan

That's certainly useless but it's not a glitch, please don't spam this thread with off topic. You can post these vids on the discord, that's a more suitable place for stuff like this.

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