Version of the game leaderboard.
4 months ago
Auvergne, France

Hello everyone,

  • Tekken 8 have been getting balance stuff last patch ( no only last but you are going to understand what is my trouble with the current leaderboard )

  • So first i don't say the run done in previous version of the game need to be rejected, no they need to be either accepted as absolete run or rejected if they need to be ( rules what need to be followed to be on the submition video )

  • It's just that a lots of people have done run BEFORE Eddy go added and before the last balance pach. And because of that it changed the way to play for ALL of the character in any mode.

  • So i'm sorry but all run who has been done before the last balance patch note need to be tagged as absolete and move to the oboslete run.

  • I want this leaderboard to be fair and square and for now it's not fair and square.

  • I don't ask the leadboard to change for the categorie ( they are other game with mutiple character like tekken and you need to pick a specifique for having a chance to be a real concurent to the WR for example. )

So in short, i ask for either categorie version of tekken to be added to the leaderboard and put the previous version run in their respective version played. Or cleaning the leaderboard and tag the previous version run in the current leaderboard as obsolete.

I mean no harm, i just want this leaderboard to be fair and square to everyone.

Edited by the author 4 months ago
Auvergne, France

So again, i'm refreshing my post.

Leaderboard need to be cleaned or adding an update version on the run like other game did ( meaning many run are not even accurate to the current update and are not WR or anything anymore ). Last update ( done yesterday ) made the IA and the ghost WAY more agressive than before and it's IMPOSSIBLE to make a time that other did before this last update.

Moderator please try to play any mode with this update in speedrun. ( And don't play only Lili when you try PLZ ), you are going to understand really quick we need "version update" related to make this leaderboard FAIR to everyone.

The curent leaderboard is UNFAIR to any newcomer or anyone who try to do time on the current update of the game, they have no chance ( or close to none ) to get a decent time.

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I added subcat for older versions and the current version v.1.06.01 since that is the current version to keep things fair and rectify the situation. @RageSpeedMan

Edited by the author 2 months ago
Los Angeles, CA, USA

All previous runs have been verified as well. Also, please do not assume what characters I play as when testing updates. I'm not a Lili player. But I understand the AI has been more aggressive, hence why I looked into your request. If there are any other problems please let me know. @RageSpeedMan

Auvergne, France

I trust you Bosscat don't worry. I'm sure you have done your test with a lot of character. Thanks again for your understanding and the other mod who have understand too. I want a game to be fair and square when i do speedrun, it's non sense if they are not. I hope people will get back and try with this update too. After all lots of leaderboards game live because of version update :)

bosscatFGC likes this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

No problem at all. Cheers! @RageSpeedMan


I see some weird spacing on these new 1.06.01 leaderboards:

Hard , v1.06.01 (HDD, Hwoarang)

Easy , Older versions (SSD, Lili)

Will these be fixed or do you need more time for them? Just a small nitpicking from me since I want my page to look tidy :v

And thanks @bosscat for being the best (fast responses) speedrun moderator!

bosscatFGC likes this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Thank you for the suggestions @whilstanp I have cleaned up the LB just a little. The Format has been archived and fighters' name will appear for level runs only.

Edited by the author 2 months ago

I think there's some misunderstanding here (although the character of choice don't matter much on primary leaderboards) what I showed there is the wide spacing right/before the comma

Hard , v1.06.01

Easy , Older versions

This is what I asked to be fixed instead of deprecating our fighters, but clearence is necessary here I guess

Los Angeles, CA, USA

There is no misunderstanding. The board has been cleaned up as you suggested without messing the LBs up and keeping everything fair @whilstanp

Los Angeles, CA, USA

As as for Hard , v1.06.01 Easy , Older versions appearing in the ILs, I can't do anything with the spacing for those.


That is hella weird that the formatting is somewhat awkward & obnoxious (bcs that's what i'm asking instead of the latter)

If that's the case, just revert it as it was before then