Future of Nier Runs and upcoming running Guide.
9 years ago
Ontario, Canada

I am currently working on writing up notes/guide for "NEW GAME" any % (ending A) speed runs. This guide will feature information that I learned from playing the game first hand and doing several runs and also following and analyzing the route, tricks, and strats that Omnigamer used in his World record run Vod which can also be found on the Leaderboards here thanks to his permission.

I hope that in doing so not only will it help me fine tune and learn to play the game better and expand on it as I learn more, but also assist and encourage others to pick up this game and learn to run it as well. I would love to see more people enjoying this game casual first time and then maybe look at speed running this great game that never got and press ever... sorta sad because its very good.

Currently the Leaderboards are very fresh and will be changed later on, but as right now they have the two main runs that routes can be done for. Other routes and run types can come as more people wanna join in on the competitiveness and fun that keeps us wanting to do speed running.

Anyways I'm currently only about halfway through analyzing the vod(s) at the time of first writing this, and so far it seems fairly detailed as far as note worthy things go. I will have this done as soon as possible and then start using this to do better runs after some practice of course.

I look forward to getting a save file set up for "NEW GAME+" and going for the 100% (ending D) runs. This set up will take some time as I need to set myself up to get all the weapons minus 1 easy to get one. so I will need most likely a fresh file to grind out on as I skip most of the not needed weapons for the any % runs to save time. And maybe down the line I'll do a some SNG Ending B runs depending how much the ending route stays similar for NG+.

In the future I will also be getting a hold of the JAP ps3 only version and doing some runs on that as well and but the hard to get original OST and maybe the alts. these versions cost allot since they did not make many of them nor are around anymore, plus they come mostly from Japan retailers.

.> and I still need to get a hold of a ps3 and a ps2 with a proper upscaler or w/e to stream and record those for when I want to play the older DrakenGuard games. ¤ if you have these(and are willing to part with them) or know where i can get them from please let me know thanks ¤ =)

Anyways looking forward to the runs ahead, and to everyone else that runs a game or that part of the community I love you and keep at it and have fun. <3

~ M A S H

Ontario, Canada

The notes/guide or whatever someone wants to call it, is done. I will pretty it up a bit, proof it a little and organize and structure it a bit more before I post the link to it here and upload it as well.

It's only to be looked at for referencing etc... kinda like a walk-through I suppose it is pretty straight forward and detailed enough hopefully for others to understand. If not please let me know how to improve it or if I'm missing something to add to it.

I will put the link in this Post later on when it's ready.

  • I will be also uploading splits later with 2 route versions, A similar Split set up following Omnigamer's Official WR risky route that normally uses his tricks. My personal Splits which have a re-ordered end game splits compared to Omnigamer's.

I will also be starting on setting up my NG+ file for the other ending runs mostly D. And will be doing that as sorta casual play and just general gameplay.

~ M A S H

Ontario, Canada

The Leaderboards have been reorganized to separate the PS3 JPN-Only Replicant Version of the game from the other versions, We will use the Level-Leaderboard layout to keep things easier to submit. I know it does not look as pretty as the Full Game layout is and it should, but due to the game having a alternate version for the PS3 in JPN that version will obviously be faster just in general without the other differences. If you would like to comment and suggest changes please do.

I will be putting up a Post in the Nier forum with some outlined rules that can be elaborated on by runners of this game, please check them over first and ask any questions before submitting a run.

I have added 2 misc categories to the LeaderBoards, (these are not the main runs most people do.) NG+ Ending B - This ending is achieved by play-through the game again for the first time on your previous New Game save file. NG+ Ending C - This is an optional ending that can be achieved once certain requirements are met, you must start this from a completed New Game or New Game+ save file.

I recommend that runners start with Any % as it is the core run and easier to learn being straight from start to finish, the NG+ runs start at the games halfway point and things are somewhat diferent depending on the ending you are running for. (all other NG+ endings besides B, require some set up to complete before the actual run.)

Anyways, I hope to have the new notes and splits up for people soon.

~ M A S H

Ontario, Canada

Blank Splits are up at the resource section. They are loosely based from Omnigamer's WR run vod.

Ontario, Canada

I am currently setting up a 100% play-through file to get all endings and then duplicate the file and possibly upload it for 100% runs. This will take some time as the set up for this will take allot of game time probably more then 30 hrs easily, I need to farm for the money to get all the weapons and get the previous endings as well. Since the game counts all the time from each play-through keep track of the initial starting time before the actual run when it's ready will be important, you would need to subtract the initial time from the finial save time after credit roll or use standard RTA as per outlined.

At some point along the way I will also hope to get the other run category's set up with files as well fro those. Generally the main runs are only Any% which is the easiest and less time consuming due to no required set up, to compete with, So I'll be trying to make saves that will already be set up for those Other runs. <3 in mean time looking forward to others they may wanna get into speed running this game before its sequel comes.

Ontario, Canada

World of Recycled Vessel is now on the Level Leaderboard. AKA " 15 Nightmares "

~ All Doors - Complete all Doors and all Nightmares. (Each door has 5 Nightmares to complete)

~ First, Second and Third Door(s) - Complete the Door and all of it's Nightmares.

Ontario, Canada

I will be running more of this game again soon, still mostly focused on Any% atm. I will also be looking to update my notes to better for others to read and myself eventually. So if you are looking to have Walkthrough style notes for the Any% routing I can send you the Google Docs link for them just message me on twitter would be best for now.

Other side project for me is to set up and prepare a save for the NG+ runs of the game. Also I do want to play through the DLC at some point and put times in on those, I hope others will grow interested in this game as the sequel NieRs closer. =p AUTOMATA HYPE!


Ontario, Canada

Been awhile since I've updated these forums, The NieR: Automata - DEMO boards are up: http://www.speedrun.com/NieR_Automata_-_DEMO

And we have joined up with the Reddit community and are sharing a Discord server. =)

If you have interest in running the Automata Demo then submit your runs to the link above.

Join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/EtGWDuW

Ontario, Canada

NieR: Automata boards were convert for the full game and will have the categories added in due time. The link should still work regardless.

Also I will begin working on the actual notes rewrite for the the NieR soon for ppl interested in the original game.

Ontario, Canada

So with the NA release of Automata underway we have added the first Category to the board atm. Rules and discussions are still happening currently and will change for the game as it goes forward till we have more solid information through the game to make those more permanent.

Ontario, Canada

I am going to be re-writing my Guide for the current Route and working on the NG+ section with my upcoming NASA participation where I'll be running the game during 21st to 27th of May.

After I get that done I'll be able to share it openly for those interested in the older game.

Allot of interesting and fun stuff is going on with Automata and we have a growing community around that game currently as It's a very great game in comparison as it has taken allot of pointers from the previous one.

Join and check out out the Automata community if your interested in learning either games I am active within them both, and will be shifting a bit more focus to Automata after May.

Ontario, Canada

Been along while since I've posted an update here so here it is.

I am no longer managing or working on NieR: Automata currently, I may come back to speedrunning the game at a later point but I have many other games I'm looking to do runs of and continue doing runs of my main games like OG NieR.

Dale has been a great help and an amazing runner that picked up the game over the last long while and is currently rewriting my terrible Guide/notes as he has spent a great deal of more time recently being awesome at the game and actually giving me crap for not doing more then half the stuff that's actually in the notes because I forgot about them over the year(s).

The first True Ending run was finally done by Dale as well so big shout out to him, while it was talked about for a long while he finally took the time and beat me to it. I will be coming for you soon bud. =p

Non NieR specific stuff going on; PreNASA is soon so keep an eye out for that. ( https://www.speedrun.com/preNASA_2018/forum ) Proudly organizing and running ARPGME again this year. Submissions for that are open at this time for First Phase if you want to make a submission, also keep tabs on it for when the date is officially announced which is happening in early May. ( https://www.speedrun.com/arpgme2018/forum )

Not much else I can say that is interesting but doing what I can when I can, IRL keeps me busy enough as is but I do see that I lack allot of motivation currently to do much aside from what I'm currently doing with events etc. I need to start just being more active with streaming and hammer out runs a bit more perhaps is my problem.

Anyways looking forward to preNASA and Actual NASA, Aswell as ARPGME again this year like usual.

<3 Stay sexy

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