SniksGames is not a cheater?
2 years ago

Recently, a post appeared on the GTA forum accusing a user of SniksGames for using cheats: (

Let's take a detailed look at the attached evidence:

  1. This video clearly shows that the game is sped up. BUT! This is not a reason to ban a user for using cheats, as this run has not been uploaded to The term “Presumption of innocence” fits very well here. The player could just (for himself) play with the cheats, but until he uploaded his mileage to the site, he is not considered guilty.
  2. The second proof is much more interesting and more complicated. This run has been uploaded to the site in the IL category. In this video, it is difficult to determine whether the game was sped up here or the player simply forgot to turn on the “Frame Limiter”. Again, if this is the second, then this is not a reason to ban the player. We tried to ask one of the moderators (cchwz) about this moment, but we did not receive an intelligible answer. I think this episode should be watched more carefully. And if there is a use of cheats here, then it should be clear to everyone.

In general about the situation: Ban user SniksGames FOREVER I consider unreasonable. The player has been playing without cheats for two years and absolutely all the full runs that were published on the site in the NMG category were legal. It seems to me that even if the use of cheats in the BS mission is confirmed, then this is not a reason to ban the user forever.

Booskop, mr_L0nelyN00B and 13 others like this

Completely agree with everything said above. For me it looks like there was banned a person that one of mods just doesn't like because of personal preference and i don't see a reason of banning him forever and not giving a second chance at least in full game runs. Like there wasn't enough examples where people were getting banned for more serious reasons in full game but still had second chance?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Booskop, mr_L0nelyN00B and 14 others like this


mr_L0nelyN00B, tyasowee and 5 others like this

To the first video: if the name of his streams was: "playing with a speed game for five hours in a row" - no problem, but calling each stream "sub 5 attempts" and trying to improve the result for several hours, hiding that you have a speed game is a problem.

To the second video: A person who has already been playing several streams with accelerated play suddenly just decided to turn on 30 fps? We have proof that he sped up the game and we have his confession to it. If you are still in "doubt" his best friend already wrote on discord that they just wanted to see if it was possible to make a run with a speed game better than Reset and just "for fun" decided to upload it, thanks to Vadyanga for the screenshot in the first comment, it is on him that you can see the words of his best friend about this.

None of the commenters above did not deny him cheating on my discord when we talked about it. Everyone just didn’t like that he was banned just now. Everyone on the forum suddenly decided to deny everything. Good.

Also in my discord tape_5 asked: "why was he banned in full runs if he cheated in ILs?", For example: if in cs:go you use cheats only in wingman, then you are only banned there or your account? It is all the more obvious that there were attempts to make a full run, this is written above.

Arbuz likes this

Never heard something more stupid than this. If mods won't unban him after all of this I should follow crucial and get the fuck out of here. I guess I am not only one who will do it

Voiceless, mr_L0nelyN00B and 9 others like this

just a dump, and multiplayer games for speedruns, you didn’t answer obvious arguments (for example, if he tried to check whether it was possible to catch up with him and posted it, then why wasn’t he permanently banned then). IL was rejected due to the fact that there was a probability of 30 fps, and not cheats, he didn’t seem to say about IL that he cheated. Moderator Corps, at least reconsider your decision. He did not submit full wounds with cheats, and the argument something like "He played with them, so he would have filled the wounds" does not work, not a thief is caught. Its all. Yes, yes, I threw out an unnecessary opinion to no one

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Redopter likes this
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

[quote=tape_5]For me it looks like there was banned a person that one of mods just doesn't like because of personal preference[/quote]

Ah the irony of a bunch of people who are clearly affiliated all commenting on this forum thread at the same time, and then accusing the mods of favouritism. A cheater used cheats and was banned. They should have been banned originally but got lucky that the mods didn't know at the time. It doesn't matter when he cheated, it matters that he cheated and cheaters are banned just like everyone else. There's zero favouritism here.

[quote=dinectra]Never heard something more stupid than this. If mods won't unban him after all of this I should follow crucial and get the fuck out of here. I guess I am not only one who will do it[/quote]

Go ahead. Any of you can leave this community at any time. Boycotting a leaderboard isn't going to make your buddy innocent.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
JAG likes this

Buddy, it's funny, well, everyone who is for justice is definitely connected with him 100%.


So basically you are saying that if i speedrun on stream with "cheats" but will never upload a run with cheats i am gonna get banned for that? (Of course not in funny context but with serious titles and intentions making everyone think that i am serious and will upload it but still never do it.)

tyasowee, Redopter and 3 others like this
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

If you've already uploaded cheated runs in the past, and then continue to cheat, yes.


I asked about example of TAS IL on src, I expected to see a speeded up run but there were nothing. So if it's not on src and technically there's no reason to ban. Also if 1 IL was cheated why do you talking about full game runs? Splits? Ok... he didn't finish the run. So, judging by this logic u must bun everyone who streamed practice of any% with no cycles. Would you ban them then? Iffy. So, my mind is: cheating should be convicted, but when it was once and 2 f***in years ago and sniks understand that's not the good way to get succed here, do you really think it's good Idea to ban him? Penitentiary system must be correctional but not a reppressive shit you did. I think you should rewatch some of his runs and if everything could be fine - don't ban him. Another way - ban for a time which could be more compromise. While this time you can make a final decision. Also you banned FLYlNG for cheating at the 2nd time and unbanned Anti, so every person must have a 2nd chance. Peace.

Booskop, control_speed and 8 others like this

Almost (I think every, but not really sure) every cheater you banned before kept playing with cheats at that time, when you ban them. If Sniks are currently cheater, then it's a good decision to ban him, but if he had really quit cheating 2 years ago? I'm not a mod and I could never be but banning him in that way will be really stupid.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Booskop, tyasowee and 5 others like this

If you are actually banning him for IL which was not approved even and not giving him a second chance then i think i am also done with src since your logic has 100% no sense. Unbanning people because they proved that they are not cheating (or idk what the reason was) but not giving second chance to runner who has proved that he is not cheating since he was running for 2 years straight without using any unfair advantage, submitting runs without any "cheats" (like 10 or smth runs) and showing that he know that he did bad thing and apologize for that. Don't think it is worth being part of leaderboards where cheating means playing offline game with cheats just because you were seen cheating in IL which wasn't approved two years ago. Good luck.

control_speed, Booskop and 5 others like this

cchwz: I wanna top 3 in ASM leaderboards Sovdan and Tape removed their runs cchwz now:

Edited by the author 2 years ago
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Feel free to leave. You clearly have no idea what happened with previous bans because you weren't there, so you can make up whatever story you like that fits your narrative. It's just idiotic and a waste of everyone's time.

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