8 years ago
Faroe Islands

If you want to run a category that's not currently listed, give me a message on twitter or somewhere so I can add it.

Faroe Islands

Aighty, I just added normal and hard as a subcategory for any%. Good luck with the runs :)


I noticed the extra "Lost Episode" DLC chapters featuring Street Fighter cameos arn't on the leaderboard yet which I'd be interested to see as a category to run here. Could those be added?


Nice, thanks for that! I just got back from hiatus and have started speedrunning again so I'll see if I can slot in a few runs to get the ball rolling after my current game grinds. c:

Arizona, USA

Any chance we could add an "all cutscenes"? Sometimes mashing back gets annoying and doesn't make it a great game to watch someone run.

Or an "S rank %"? Have to get S at the end of each chapter screen?

I'd also like to do different gauges, I've done "Blind Master"/"Mortal" and enjoyed it

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Arizona, USA

I agree with ya, most of those don't really fit the "speedrun" site. I'll just post the all cutscenes and stuff then to my own YouTube and just call it good.

I'm open to ideas, just thought I'd try and throw out some I'd had. Gauges could still be fun to mess with though, I'd like to maybe do one where the gauge is maxed at all times and see how much faster it is.

Also, thanks for the welcome back, I finally have a pc to record with now instead of ripping Twitch vods lol. Still trying to find the 10 mins between our times but its been fun getting back into it

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