How to complete the game 100% correctly?
10 months ago

The rules says: Have completed all conditions required (100%). But the game has a variety of quests. You can accept a companion and then there will be more quests with him, or you can not take him. You can even take it and just leave it in the city at some point and there will be no quests. How to correctly understand which path to take? Maybe it would be better to write in the rules at least: It is necessary to complete the main part of the game, and there should not be a single side quest left. Or maybe make it mandatory to collect all satellites? I would like to do the race 100%, but I don’t fully understand how to do it. Maybe it would be better then to rename the category from 100% to All companions and side quests%? Difficul question.


Since i was added as a moderator i have intended to make various changes to update the leaderboard including the 100% category but i havent gotten around to it yet because i've been busy irl. i will start working on it soon though.

Lobster_Emperor likes this

I'ma be real, I made the category with absolutely no idea how to do anything involving it. It definitely needs to be changed.