Paused game
4 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

E permitido pausar o game? E aqueles games de mais de 50 horas como a regra é aplicada ?

Is it allowed to pause the game? What about those games over 50 hours as a rule?

I guess it depends on what you mean with pause. If you mean pausing the game to take a toilet break for example, it should be fine as long as you keep the timer running. If you mean pause as in pause the game AND pause the timer it would not be a single-segment run anymore which is what most rules for speedruns require. (This thread should be moved to the Speedrunning forum I guess.)

편집한 사람 작성자 4 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

I wanted someone who was sure of that ...

a game with 100 hours the guy needed to sleep

how would it be?

United States

Rules are different by game, there's no consistent rules that apply to every game. Most games don't allow pausing the timer. That would mean that any sleep breaks would occur while the timer is running.

Como seria um jogo de 4 dias? pode pausar o jogo?

What would a 4-day game look like? can you pause the game?

quando falo em pausar eu digo pausar o jogo e o conometro juntos

when I talk about pausing I say pausing the game and conometro together

United States

Again, every game is different. Some long games allow you to pause the timer, which is called a Time Attack run (TA). Other games do not. Normal timing without pauses is called Real Time Attack (RTA).

This run is a TA run, so it was paused. This run is a RTA run, so it was not paused. In this game specifically, it was better to leave the game running always because it makes collecting a certain item faster.