About Leaderboard Change
4 years ago

Hi, I made the following change on the leaderboard.

  • records are not obsoleted by those of different classes
  • made difficulties sub-categories

I appreciate your feedback.

European Union
  • made difficulties sub-categories I'm not convinced this is a good idea, the routing between Easy/Normal/Hard is almost exactly the same but slower (with a few exceptions where it is faster), so this makes a lot of somewhat redundant runs (or a lot of empty leaderboards). Maybe it could be an idea to merge those 3 difficulties into one leaderboard (and maybe have them not obsolete each other) and leave only Hardest and Inferno as separate, but that feels extremely arbitrary Another would be to have any difficulty be the default category and have runs be submitted to both this and their respective difficulty category, would help having a well populated leaderboard at the forefront at-the very least.

Thank you for your feedback. Yes I thought the same thing and wanted to make different difficulties more comparable.

I made Difficulty a non-obsolete variable like Character Class. How does it look?


And for the Online categories, do we need all players' videos? Or is it sufficient if the room host player's video is provided?

European Union

How does it look? Fine, but there's is a slightly problem with filtering by difficulty, there are two "Any", one shows every single run, and the other only shows mine with multiple difficulty, just a matter of renaming the any to multiple in the variables.

And for the Online categories, do we need all players' videos? I don't think it's necessary, and from a quick check on other games none have implemented that requirement that I can find so I don't think it's very helpful either. Although that does leave the question of whether a video from someone that isn't the host can be used to submit a run as there's definitely the possibility of having every player recording the run in case the host has recording issue in the middle of the run.

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago

Thank you as always. And I found another issue in the filter, there are 3 Character Class variables. This is because I made online categories which made having the common Character Class variable over different categories impossible. (In SRC system, we can only have one variable for one category, or one variable for all categories.) So I think having 2 categories (offline and online) with All Missions, DLC 1, DLC 2 are merged as sub-categories would be better. What are your thoughts?

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago
Jax_The_Onederful 이것을 좋아함

So I think having 2 categories (offline and online) with All Missions, DLC 1, DLC 2 are merged as sub-categories would be better.

This is done. I will clean unused categories and variables after a few days of reviewing.

(Should we have Offline 2 Player category (the split-screen one) as well?)

편집한 사람 작성자 3 years ago