First of all, I think that speeedy's mod is a great concept. An build in autoclicker and a in game timer? That is a great idea! But I want to share how it may be inaccurate, and how it could be. I know that @Swskrei and @Sir_Farcelot has brought this up in the comments of the project, but i would like to take an more in-depth analysis
I thought that the load times were fishy at first, and I did go back and forth between using this and OG appel, but I had a really weird feeling that my play was worse on OG appel because I had to click and autoclicker is a pain because of reseting and having to turn it off and on. Once I got my sub 5 though and my time was changed to the 4:36.6, I knew I had to look into it. So I timed my load times and compared them to the WRs load times and mine was 2.367, and the WRs was 1.533. You may be wondering, isn't it 1.62? It isn't, because I'm pretty sure (tell me if I'm wrong) that the level loads when all 0s appear on the level clock. Anyways, this is an massive difference, and makes your RTA time slower by 6.672 (2.367-1.533=0.834 times 8=6.672) Now subtracting that time from my RTA time (4:45.867) you get 4:39.195. (4:39.2 at 30fps) Still 2.7 seconds off. But a great point that @Swskrei made in the comments of the project on scratch is that the appel timer (which is used in the mod) runs slightly faster then RTA. And it does by about 6 frame. Now, I don't know what this would convert to, so I can't say how much more time this saves. But I will look at one more thing, the timer pauses.
In the fullgame mod, the timer pauses after the level loads. Now here's the thing. I can only tell on two levels. 7 and 8. This is because the key icon disappears when the level would load. I got 1.5 and 1.467. Now here's the thing, the video is in 30 fps and my internet sucks. So the time probably isn't right, and it's probably 1.533. So sure the time may be off for me, but it is most likely right.
Speeedy's mod is inaccurate, but it's because of the timer. If the igt was correct, the mod would only be slower RTA.
It's pretty simple I believe. We uses speeedy's mod as a base, use a variable for igt for accuracy (I know the scratch default variable looks ugly but we could fix that by just using appel timer code and changing the variable to show our time) and make the loads 1.533, without waiting around. This would be the best solution and give a great tool for new runners.
Sorry this was so long, I just wanted to get my point across.
reading this was hell tbh but this is a great solution and using ugly variables will prob be the one of the only ways
Due to a recent cheating situation, I feel that top runs should have more proof.
Any top 10 full game runs now needs a video of at least 20 minutes of attempts submitted along with it.
any top 50% individual level submission now must have the replay code in the description or, if it's too lo