9 years ago
Ontario, Canada

If you have found any glitches at all please post them here. We may be able to find a way to include them in a run and make another category for the game.


This game is extremely glitchy, but most of the glitches just force you to restart the game as you get stuck after performing them. There's also a sequence break (you can access the underwater area before getting the diving upgrade), but it's not beneficial for a speedrun either.

Luckily there also is a super easy glitch you can do to skip a huge chunk of the mines. I unfortunately don't have a way of recording it, but I'll try to explain it as closely as possible:

After entering the mines, proceed normally and drain the water (there's also a way to skip draining the water for the second time but it is a bit slower than doing it normally). After draining move into the area where you get the light orb and the diving upgrade. Do the first part where you have to move the light orb through the "obstacle course" to open the door. Go back to the entrance of the mines. Grab a bomb (or any other object, a bomb is the most convenient) and throw it at the pipe in a specific spot, and it will trigger the hatch in the pipe to close. This will allow you to pull the lewer and exit back to the area with the heart. The orb will magically appear at the other side and you can move on to the next part.

Here's a couple of screenshots: Before the glitch: After the glitch:

Also here's an useful console command for loading spesific areas of the game in case you weren't aware of it: open <mapname> The map names are heli-underground, heli-pacemaker, heli-mines and heli-factory.

If you need to ask something feel free to add me on steam:

Ontario, Canada

I just tested the glitch displayed in the screenshots and it is indeed possible. First run with this and I got 27:53 but I suspect a low 26 is very possible.

New category added for glitched runs/any%


Added 8 more pictures:

You can store items here for later use:

You can cause the water to rise higher than it's supposed to, flooding the are might be possible:

If you have the rod you can carry more than 1 item:

You can use the combined weight of multiple items ( 2 is enough, you'll just need to hold them in a specific way), and glitchy collision that's in this area to get to the bottom:

Once you get deep enough water physics stop affecting you:

You can use the weight of items to access this area as well:

You can use this hatch to clip items and sometimes yourself through the pipe:

The bombs in the worm area activate only if you grab them, therefore you can carry them on your head and push them around, so you can basically take a bomb anywhere in the heart area. I haven't really experimented on the possible uses of this yet.

The reason why sequence breaking doesn't work. Claw number x does not accept other orbs than orb number x, so the wrong orb just gets stuck like this:

This just looks fancy:

Taking the rod through this hatch...: Results sometimes in this: You'll clip through the wall and end up here:

This one can be used in a run. If you pull out the top right plug first, it can fall on one of the wires and pull out a plug for you. Sometimes you even get all three, but it's quite rare:

It's possible to re-grab a plug:

Pausing the game during this (or a few other parts)...:

...allows you to play the game while it's paused...:

...but your movement will be broken: Reloading the game fixes this.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hi, I'm new to this game and am currently starting/thinking about running it. At the moment I'm using the autosplitter to time the beginning. Not sure if anyone is still reading here, but I think I found another glitch, that's not yet listed here:

During the start of the game, after pressing escape in the Intro-Cutscene and the colours faded to black, the autosplit timer starts. If you press escape again at some point, while the screen is still black, the menu will pop up. After closing it with another Esc, you can start moving, while the screen remains black for a few more seconds. This also skips the time where you can see everything , but can't move. In my case it's about 4s faster than waiting through everything. BUT: The "F1 for Hints" bubble appears after a fixed amount of time. And if you do this mini skip here, you are already passed the trigger, that removes that bubble and are basically stuck with it as far as I can see.

Still, this might also work in other area transitions or auto-movements; haven't tested too much on it yet. And it is also kind of relevant for the timing of the beginning.

If this was confuse mumbling, I'll take some screenshots.

Ontario, Canada

Thanks for saying this. It has been mentioned before and is in use for the Any% runs already but not allowed in Glitchless. It is actually the same type of glitch that is show in the last three pictures of moodyboocs post just above. I'll try to explain this as best I can.

The character has two states, either you can or can't move them when pushing the controls. I assume this is stored as a binary. Normally you can move. When you press escape/the menu button it flips this value to the opposite and you can't control yourself.

Certain scenes in the game have you unable to move, such as the intro wake up or the exploding pipe after pulling the plugs. By pushing the escape while in that state it flips you from being unable to move back to being able.

The start one is slightly different though in that it allows you to open and close the menu, instead of keeping the menu open the whole time. I believe that it's because you can queue up the opening of the menu before the character really exists, so that the closing of it only flips the switch once, allowing you to move.

The extended any% actually makes a good use of this control glitch as well. I'm not sure if you've played/seen it, but there's a segment where you are crushed and lose the ability to really travel up. You can skip part of the crushing and ignore the control loss of overheating from going up too much allowing you to skip a good portion of this category.

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