New Category
3 years ago

Will there in the future be some kind of horde speedrun?

Yes very good idea my mate, they have to add it since the new horde is speedrunable.

Tinus likes this

Very good idea and then maybe we could have categories for amount of rounds, maps and amount of players!

Tinus likes this

I, the ambassador of Guatemala completely agree with the statement made by this dutch chap. I think by making this a speedrun category we can entice the guatemalan populace to kill hordes of anti-governmental peasants!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Tinus likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

sorry im not active on here i forget ppl like to speedrun this and now that i see this would you people like to do a speedrun of the new horde gamemode, and if so what exactly wld you wanna see?

United States

ok its 2023, I have an idea for a new category; fastest time to get banned from a duel server. two subcategories: kick/ban and ban only. must be achieved through violating the rules (eg. rdm, foul language, ect.)