Different Versions
1 year ago
New Jersey, USA


I decided to do a run of 70 star on the older version required for the leaderboards, however, I was wondering why the 60 FPS updated version isn't allowed. From my playtesting, it seems to have around the same stability as the "stable" version linked in resources. Plus, people have migrated themselves to the newer version over the 3 years this port has been out and in development.

Due to the game being 60 FPS compared to the game's original framerate, this may add a competitive advantage. To combat this, a possible course of action could be to add a separate sub category within the boards, depending on whether the runner ran on the OG Version or the Updated Version.

This is all speculation, however, and my personal thoughts on the matter. I am completely fine with the OG Version, I just feel that the Updated Version would make the game more accessible to others.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this!


@iangaming_YT no problem, the only reason that wasn't allowed are for 2 things: 1.) I believe when I set up that ruleset, the 60 fps mod was still in deveopment 2.) As such, I don't think anyone tested to see if it changed anything. 3.) With mods you need to be very specific as to what versions are allowed as there are often notable changes between variants

If the game is just running at 60 fps but the game physics and stuff all work the same, it should be fine to be put on the boards. Do you have a link to it so I can check it out?

New Jersey, USA

Yea I got you, here's the QR code for the mod:


If you want, I can do a run with it to showcase what it looks like, from my playing though Mario's movement feels the same, its just visually cleaner. It also gives another option for camera control other than the C-Stick so W.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
New Jersey, USA

Update, there's a 3rd version. The creator lists it as "Alternative version with no custom models", so I thought it was like the 60 FPS version. Turns out its not, doesn't seem 60 FPS. However, a major notable thing about this version is that It doesn't freeze the game when you save and continue, it goes normally like VC. The other two versions freeze the game for a bit and then continue.

Here the link to this one:


Doesn't have the touch screen camera controls like Render 96, but the saving feature sets it apart from the rest. Still feels the same as the other two.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

added the second link, not the low poly models mod

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