In game time vs Real time
1 year ago

Just something that has been in the back of my mind

I think that the runs that use pauses to min-max times are really fun to look at, but not sure if people "want" to speedrun Tiny Rogues where the meta is to spam pause.

Was wondering about the opinion of everyone else here

United States

The reason I never adopted the pause meta was because I just enjoyed running the game, as annoying as the RNG can be, I get hyped and have way more fun when a run is fluid. Everytime there's a stop in gameplay, that's real-time thinking which Cormag and I mainly do while the game and time is running.

This isn't to diminish anyone else's runs, but personally not stopping and thinking on the fly is just more enjoyable to watch. Maybe when a new patch releases, any pausing still counts towards overall time, but that's just my thoughts.

Appreciate the moderation as always and will still run regardless.

StupidAminal likes this

Yeah this has been bothering me as well, and it mainly came down to the early days, when I also felt like IGT would be easier than RTA because asking people to use LiveSplit or some other form of timing was a barrier of entry (as tiny as it may be), and my thinking was that I wanted as many people as possible trying this out.

Now that pausing has gotten out of hand, I'd also be more in favour of RTA as our main way of timing runs, as it is more exciting (never been much of a fan of pausing myself tbh).

Don't know about older runs and how this may impact them, or even if we should re-time them with RTA. My thinking is, the first step is to put RTA and IGT times in new runs, and use RTA as the "official" times.

Wouldn't really say that pausing has gotten out of hand, but I do want the most fun way to run the game to be the way that people run. Don't want people to feel "forced" to learn pausing just to be competitive in the future.

Akala brings a very good option, to have both RTA and IGT recorded in the run.

However, when it comes to older runs, personally I don't want to retime them, as it may diminish previous runs that were playing by the the rules. Noone should be punished for not doing anything wrong. And I feel it is very wrong to take away someone's achievement.

Which is why I would prefer to apply changes of this nature when a new patch rolls around, and we have a "fresh" leaderboard to compete in.

Kirillyi and ShaggyMcSwaggy like this

RubyDev has been very much kind and made it so the ingame timer is real time. So we can still have the quality of life of just recording the in game time for runs. No need for external clock programs. Bless!

Enjoy running everyone!

Akala_Volo likes this

I just wish the timer didnt disappear when choosing traits and moving floors. Its not a big deal but still i think it would be nicer to have the timer on the screen the whole run.