Werehog combo
7 years ago
Baltimore, MD, USA

How do you do the combo used in werehog stages to gain height?

Berkshire, England

if you're talking about the one that gets you out of bounds in moonsoaked alleys | apotos then i kinda wanna learn how to do that too. I'll send this post to the WR holder aglab

I am doing Out of Bounds breakthrough on this video with a beginner setup for Apotos Night 2 skip: . About combo to gain height, I usually call it "Double Jump Slash". There are 2 different things to notice. 1) you need to be sure you know timing for regular double jump - you have to time 2nd A button press to gain as many height as possible, make sure you know perfectly this timing. 2) you need to press L+R on the closest next frame after 2nd A press - this might be a bit lenient but requires some practice. If you press L+R too early, you won't do slash, too early, glitch won't work. You will need to play around timing for yourself there but you can make it pretty consistently.

IlluminaTea likes this
Berkshire, England

i did it but i fell into endless void :o forgot where to go and just jumped off the roof MingLee

Ah yeah, ledge is stupidly small (not like that is OOB anyways). For a proper fast strat you do not need to land there but for an easier setup just hold backwards after getting off the wall.

United Kingdom

I completely forgot this video existed, ag. That's actually really helpful now that I think about it.

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