First Time Speedrunner Questions
2 years ago
Wiltshire, England

Hi all,

So after watching way too many speed running videos and finding it a fun challenge I'm taking my baby steps into the community, starting with SBK. I've been gaming for a while and, in my younger years, used to enjoy being a part of local competitive tournaments.

I've got 3 questions I hope you can help me out with (being a newb).

Firstly, I don't have to submit a run that's in the top X, do I? If I do, is there a minimum requirement? (for example, can't be more than 10 minutes slower than last place) The reason I ask is because, in my first time set runs (first 10), my best is a 57:18 (project 64 emulator), which is nowhere near the top 10 and I don't want to waste anyone's time (plus would be nice to have a goal to shoot for).

Secondly, I'm obviously going to be uploading gameplay in accordance with the rules, showing the very start of the run including board selection, but are there any supplementary proofing standards I should know about? I've seen some of the other videos of runs, and I'm pretty sure just gameplay and splits are fine, but I'd like to double check.

Finally, I'm from the UK, and I'm yet to purchase an NTSC/Japanese N64 (future purchase). I'm aware of emulator standards, but I also noticed in the Copper Pass speedrun by 'breaknrox', their time was "converted from PAL". I'd obviously prefer to play on original console to avoid any concerns over save states being used, but I'm very aware of the PAL disadvantage on overall time. Is there a way to convert a PAL time to an NTSC time that's readily available? And are there any other requirements or things to be considered when submitting PAL runs?

Thanks for your time and patience, and I look forward to submitting times in the future.

United States

I don't know the answer to #3 but I know PAL is allowed, not sure what the conversion is for it, I don't know how many people check the threads on this site, I would also ask this question in the discord, you might get a quicker response

but for #1 no restrictions on being within X time, if you get a PB feel free to submit them!

for #2 so long as you have a video from start to end I think you should be good, splits are nice but not necessary

Edited by the author 2 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Conversion is fine for PAL, it works the same as MK 64 they convert PAL times also, it works fine being a smaller community we wanted to include as many ppl as possible

New South Wales, Australia

I have the conversion somewhere but it's pretty simple

New South Wales, Australia

I've been a bit slack lately replying to the community recently started a new job and it is taking up a lot of my time, after October I should be back and running SBK again

Wiltshire, England

Thank you so much for the responses, and thanks for the conversion tool! That'll help so much when I eventually get video capture. Really appreciate both of you, and I hope the new job works out and is good.

Georgia, USA

I don't recommend using the MK64 converter - that one is specific to that game and converts by a factor of something like 1.2024. It takes into account reverse engineering done for that game in particular and quirks with regards to its timer.

Better off just converting by multiplying by 5/6 or 6/5 depending on which way you are going.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Ok we can do that.. you sound Smarter then me 🤣🤣 Maybe we need to retime the pal converted times..

Georgia, USA

Here's the conversion I did for the breaknrox time - ignored the centiseconds for now.

45:06 = 2706 seconds

2706 * 5 = 13530

13530 / 6 = 2255

2255 - 2220 (37 minutes) = 35


Edited by the author 6 months ago
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